Closed SalvatoreCostantino closed 3 years ago
Is this option on?
Yes, the option Is on. I've checked this graph on other ASs and it works. The autonomus system affected by the issue is Always a destination AS on flows. I don't know whether this fact could cause the issue.
Hi @SalvatoreCostantino not that ntopng needs a minimum amout of time to generate the timeseries. Please wait at least 30 min after the startup and then you should have your timeseries. If still no timeseries are present there please try switching between them and check if the other ones have some data. Which timeseries are you checking in the screenshot?
Closing for inactivity, please reopen if needed
Hello Team, we are experiencing an issue on RTT Autonomus System timeseries. The graph is completely empty.
Ntop version is: ntopng Community v.5.0.210927 (Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS)
Thank you.