ntop / ntopng

Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
GNU General Public License v3.0
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After upgrading ntopng traffic on interface is no more collected #6776

Closed lvalero closed 2 years ago

lvalero commented 2 years ago


GUI showed an upgrade for ntopng, i issued an "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" and reboot, after reboot, services are up and running :

root@ntopng:~# systemctl status clickhouse-server.service ● clickhouse-server.service - ClickHouse Server (analytic DBMS for big data) Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/clickhouse-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-07-11 06:52:20 EDT; 21s ago Main PID: 584 (clckhouse-watch) Tasks: 206 (limit: 9506) Memory: 690.2M CPU: 2.666s CGroup: /system.slice/clickhouse-server.service ├─584 clickhouse-watchdog --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file=/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid └─689 /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file=/run/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.pid

Jul 11 06:52:20 ntopng systemd[1]: Started ClickHouse Server (analytic DBMS for big data). Jul 11 06:52:22 ntopng clickhouse-server[584]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'. Jul 11 06:52:22 ntopng clickhouse-server[584]: Logging trace to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log Jul 11 06:52:22 ntopng clickhouse-server[584]: Logging errors to /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng clickhouse-server[689]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml'. Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng clickhouse-server[689]: Saved preprocessed configuration to '/var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/config.xml'. Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng clickhouse-server[689]: Processing configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml'. Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng clickhouse-server[689]: Merging configuration file '/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/default-password.xml'. Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng clickhouse-server[689]: Saved preprocessed configuration to '/var/lib/clickhouse/preprocessed_configs/users.xml'. root@ntopng:~# systemctl status nprobe ● nprobe.service - nprobe extensible NetFlow v5/v9/IPFIX probe/collector Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nprobe.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-07-11 06:52:24 EDT; 24s ago Process: 723 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /bin/echo "$(/bin/date) nprobe StartPre" >> /var/log/ntop-systemd.log (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 732 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /bin/sed "/^-g.$|^-G.|^--daemon-mode.|^--pid-file./s/^/#/" /etc/nprobe/nprobe.conf > /run/nprobe.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 739 ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c /bin/echo "$(/bin/date) nprobe StartPost" >> /var/log/ntop-systemd.log (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 737 (nprobe@2055) Tasks: 7 (limit: 9506) Memory: 44.1M CPU: 245ms CGroup: /system.slice/nprobe.service └─737 /usr/bin/nprobe /run/nprobe.conf

Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [nprobe.c:11380] Not capturing packet from interface (collector mode) Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [util.c:5036] Enlarged socket buffer [echo 8388608 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max] Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [util.c:5091] nProbe changed user to 'nprobe' Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [collect.c:246] Flow collector listening on port 2055 (IPv4/v6) Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [export.c:559] Using TLV as serialization format Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [nprobe.c:11672] nProbe started successfully Jul 11 06:52:26 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:26 [collect.c:3288] Collecting flows from [total: 1/128] Jul 11 06:52:27 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:27 [collect.c:3288] Collecting flows from [total: 2/128] Jul 11 06:52:46 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:46 [collect.c:1782] Added new flow template definition [id=259][flow_version=9][netflow_device=][observation_domain_id=0][total=1] Jul 11 06:52:46 ntopng nprobe[737]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:46 [collect.c:1782] Added new flow template definition [id=257][flow_version=9][netflow_device=][observation_domain_id=0][total=2] root@ntopng:~# systemctl status ntopng ● ntopng.service - ntopng high-speed web-based traffic monitoring and analysis tool Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ntopng.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2022-07-11 06:52:31 EDT; 22s ago Process: 1070 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/ntopng-utils-manage-config -a check-restore && /usr/bin/ntopng-utils-manage-config -a restore || true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 1084 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /bin/cat /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf > /run/ntopng.conf.raw (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 1086 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /bin/cat /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf.d/.conf >> /run/ntopng.conf.raw 2>/dev/null || true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Process: 1088 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c /bin/sed "/^[ ]-e.$|^[ ]-G.|^[ ]--daemon.|[ ]--pid.*/s/^/#/" /run/ntopng.conf.raw > /run/ntopng.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS) Main PID: 1090 (6/flow_checks) Tasks: 23 (limit: 9506) Memory: 298.2M CPU: 4.647s CGroup: /system.slice/ntopng.service └─1090 /usr/bin/ntopng /run/ntopng.conf

Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:120] [lists_utils.lua:739] Category Lists (4133 hosts, 2434 IPs, 0 JA3) loaded in 0 sec Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:124] Initializing device polices... Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:140] Initializing alerts... Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:149] Initializing timeseries... Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:207] Importing ClickHouse dumps... Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:212] Fetching latest ntop blog posts... Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [startup.lua:216] Completed startup.lua Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [PeriodicActivities.cpp:167] Found 10 activities Jul 11 06:52:38 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:38 [NetworkInterface.cpp:3242] Started packet polling on interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6]... Jul 11 06:52:39 ntopng ntopng[1090]: 11/Jul/2022 06:52:39 [ZMQCollectorInterface.cpp:268] Collecting flows on tcp://:5556c root@ntopng:~#

But on the GUI no traffic seem to be processed, on "Traffic Dashboard" view the "tcp://*:5556c: Top Applications (Realtime)" shows "No Data Available".

Here is the versions that are running :

Version ntopng Enterprise L v.5.4.220711 rev.18063 (Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)) | Platform Debian 11.0 [x86_64][Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)] - 64 bit Local Timezone America/New_York nDPI 4.4.0-3739-2c5258b1 cURL 7.74.0 Twitter Bootstrap 5.0 Font Awesome 5.11.2 RRDtool 1.7.2 Redis Server 6.0.16 Mongoose web server 3.7 Lua Lua 5.4.3 ØMQ 4.3.4 GeoLite 1.5.2 Includes support for MaxMind and DB-IP Geolocation databases. Data-Driven Documents (d3js) 2.9.1 / 3.0


lvalero commented 2 years ago

nprobe_1 nprobe_2

MatteoBiscosi commented 2 years ago

Hi @lvalero could you please run both ntopng and nprobe in foreground and report the output? to run them in foreground please stop both services and then run sudo nprobe /etc/nprobe/nprobe.conf sudo ntopng /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf or whatever conf file you have and then send me the output (to understand if there is some problem)

lvalero commented 2 years ago

1/ stop processe root@ntopng:/etc/ntopng# systemctl stop nprobe root@ntopng:/etc/ntopng# systemctl stop ntopng

2/ run in foreground

root@ntopng:~# nprobe /etc/nprobe/nprobe.conf 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:5476] Reading configuration file /etc/nprobe/nprobe.conf 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [plugin.c:178] No plugins found in ./plugins 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [plugin.c:186] Loading 23 plugins [.so] from /usr/lib/nprobe/plugins 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:5245] Valid nProbe Enterprise L license found 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:5793] Disabling flow cache during collection 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7445] WARNING: The output interfaceId is set to 0: did you forget to use -Q perhaps ? 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7448] WARNING: The input interfaceId is set to 0: did you forget to use -u perhaps ? 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7469] Using ZMQ sourceId 349270551 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7537] Flow cache is disabled in flow collection mode 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7540] Welcome to nProbe v.10.0.220711 for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu with native PF_RING acceleration 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7558] Enterprise L Edition running on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7559] Current limits [32 ZMQ exporters][128 collector devices] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7570] SystemId: L68.......24--OL 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:7643] Sample rate [packet: 1][flow collection/export: 1/1] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:9619] Using template @NTOPNG@ 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:9621] Using NetFlow Packet Payload Len: 1472 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:9510] @NTOPNG@ expanded to " %IN_SRC_MAC %OUT_DST_MAC %INPUT_SNMP %OUTPUT_SNMP %SRC_VLAN %IPV4_SRC_ADDR %IPV4_DST_ADDR %L4_SRC_PORT %L4_DST_PORT %IPV6_SRC_ADDR %IPV6_DST_ADDR %IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION %PROTOCOL %L7_PROTO %L7_CONFIDENCE %IN_BYTES %IN_PKTS %OUT_BYTES %OUT_PKTS %FIRST_SWITCHED %LAST_SWITCHED %CLIENT_TCP_FLAGS %SERVER_TCP_FLAGS %L7_PROTO_RISK %L7_RISK_SCORE %EXPORTER_IPV4_ADDRESS %DIRECTION %SAMPLING_INTERVAL %TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP %NPROBE_IPV4_ADDRESS %POST_NAT_SRC_IPV4_ADDR %POST_NAT_DST_IPV4_ADDR %POST_NAPT_SRC_TRANSPORT_PORT %POST_NAPT_DST_TRANSPORT_PORT " 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [template.c:3491] WARNING: Unable to locate template 'NPROBE_IPV6_ADDRESS'. Discarded. 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [template.c:3491] WARNING: Unable to locate template 'NPROBE_IPV6_ADDRESS'. Discarded. 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [plugin.c:1196] 0 plugin(s) enabled 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:10154] Each flow is 132 bytes long 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:10155] The # flows per packet has been set to 10 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:10158] IP TOS is ignored 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:10926] Flow export type (-T): bidirectional flows 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:10972] Collecting flows in ZMQ pass-through mode 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:11131] Flows ASs will not be computed (no GeoDB files loaded with --as-list) 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:11163] Flows will be exported in NetFlow 9 format 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:11206] Learning the public IP address.. Disable it with --disable-startup-checks 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [nprobe.c:11380] Not capturing packet from interface (collector mode) 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [util.c:6196] Initializing ZMQ as client 11/Jul/2022 08:23:13 [util.c:6269] Exporting flows towards ZMQ endpoint tcp://

root@ntopng:~# ntopng /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf 11/Jul/2022 08:23:32 [Redis.cpp:151] Successfully connected to redis 11/Jul/2022 08:23:32 [Redis.cpp:151] Successfully connected to redis 11/Jul/2022 08:23:32 [NtopPro.cpp:315] [LICENSE] Reading license from /etc/ntopng.license 11/Jul/2022 08:23:32 [NtopPro.cpp:486] [LICENSE] /etc/ntopng.license: found valid Enterprise L license 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Ntop.cpp:2589] Registered interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [main.cpp:337] PID stored in file /var/run/ntopng.pid 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Geolocation.cpp:149] Loaded database dbip-city-lite.mmdb [/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/geoip//dbip-city-lite.mmdb][ip_version: 6] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Geolocation.cpp:149] Loaded database dbip-asn-lite.mmdb [/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/geoip//dbip-asn-lite.mmdb][ip_version: 6] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Geolocation.cpp:95] Using geolocation provided by DB-IP (https://db-ip.com) 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [HTTPserver.cpp:1408] Found TLS certificate /usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs/ssl/ntopng-cert.pem 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [HTTPserver.cpp:1683] Web server dirs [/usr/share/ntopng/httpdocs][/usr/share/ntopng/scripts] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [HTTPserver.cpp:1686] HTTP server listening on 3000 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Utils.cpp:784] User changed to ntopng 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NetworkInterface.cpp:3126] Started flow dump loop on interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6]... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [MySQLDB.cpp:832] Successfully connected to ClickHouse [default@][dbname: ] for interface tcp://:5556c 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [ClickHouseFlowDB.cpp:65] [ClickHouse] Creating Flow DB 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [ClickHouseFlowDB.cpp:38] ClickHouse will dump into /var/lib/ntopng/tmp/clickhouse 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NetworkInterface.cpp:3052] Started flow user script hooks loop on interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6]... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NetworkInterface.cpp:3089] Started host user script hooks loop on interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6]... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [main.cpp:407] Working directory: /var/lib/ntopng 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [main.cpp:409] Scripts/HTML pages directory: /usr/share/ntopng 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Ntop.cpp:466] Welcome to ntopng x86_64 v.5.4.220711 - (C) 1998-22 ntop.org 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [Ntop.cpp:476] Built on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:776] [LICENSE] System Id: L68A2C6E176086A8F--U68A2C6E16CDD7324--OL 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:777] [LICENSE] Edition: Enterprise L 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:778] [LICENSE] License Type: Permanent License 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:787] [LICENSE] License: ZLaeLUZjXdlO81ORvogeM28LAy7uJPGVgG5aDf2Y7wIFFK4GzLKw1FbBElzximOKeGhfj ..... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:792] [LICENSE] License Hash: E58280EBA62........ 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [NtopPro.cpp:803] [LICENSE] Maintenance: Until Fri Apr 21 09:21:17 2023 [284 days left] 11/Jul/2022 08:23:33 [MySQLDB.cpp:832] Successfully connected to ClickHouse [default@][dbname: ] for interface system 11/Jul/2022 08:23:34 [PeriodicActivities.cpp:109] Started periodic activities loop... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:34 [startup.lua:35] Processing startup.lua: please hold on... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:37 [startup.lua:120] [lists_utils.lua:811] Refreshing category lists... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:120] [lists_utils.lua:739] Category Lists (4133 hosts, 2437 IPs, 0 JA3) loaded in 1 sec 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:124] Initializing device polices... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:140] Initializing alerts... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:149] Initializing timeseries... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:207] Importing ClickHouse dumps... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:212] Fetching latest ntop blog posts... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [startup.lua:216] Completed startup.lua 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [PeriodicActivities.cpp:167] Found 10 activities 11/Jul/2022 08:23:38 [NetworkInterface.cpp:3242] Started packet polling on interface tcp://:5556c [id: 6]... 11/Jul/2022 08:23:39 [ZMQCollectorInterface.cpp:268] Collecting flows on tcp://*:5556c

MatteoBiscosi commented 2 years ago

Hi @lvalero a new version of ntopng / nprobe stables should be available soon, please update them and see if the issue persists (check a couple of minutes after starting both services). if it persists please drop an email at biscosi at ntop.org with your configuration files. Sorry to trouble you but in my case everything seems working correctly

lvalero commented 2 years ago

Here is a message after the upgrade (new messages seen today July 11) :

root@ntopng:/home/zeta# head /var/log/syslog Jul 10 00:00:10 ntopng systemd[1]: logrotate.service: Succeeded. Jul 10 00:00:10 ntopng systemd[1]: Finished Rotate log files. Jul 10 00:00:10 ntopng systemd[1]: man-db.service: Succeeded. Jul 10 00:00:10 ntopng systemd[1]: Finished Daily man-db regeneration. Jul 10 00:01:01 ntopng CRON[572659]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/ntopng-utils-manage-updates -a handle-on-demand-requests) Jul 10 00:02:01 ntopng CRON[572740]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/ntopng-utils-manage-updates -a handle-on-demand-requests)

root@ntopng:/home/zeta# fgrep 'Drops queue too' /var/log/syslog | more Jul 11 06:28:24 ntopng cento[725386]: 11/Jul/2022 06:28:24 [FlowExporter.cpp:132] [lo] Flow Export Queue Len [0 tot queued][0/0 IPv4/v6][Drops queue too long 0/0 IPv4/v6][0/0 tot exporte d/dropped flows][0/0 exported/dropped fps] Jul 11 06:28:25 ntopng cento[725386]: 11/Jul/2022 06:28:25 [FlowExporter.cpp:132] [lo] Flow Export Queue Len [0 tot queued][0/0 IPv4/v6][Drops queue too long 0/0 IPv4/v6][0/0 tot exporte d/dropped flows][0/0 exported/dropped fps] Jul 11 06:28:26 ntopng cento[725386]: 11/Jul/2022 06:28:26 [FlowExporter.cpp:132] [lo] Flow Export Queue Len [0 tot queued][0/0 IPv4/v6][Drops queue too long 0/0 IPv4/v6][0/0 tot exporte d/dropped flows][0/0 exported/dropped fps] Jul 11 06:28:27 ntopng cento[725386]: 11/Jul/2022 06:28:27 [FlowExporter.cpp:132] [lo] Flow Export Queue Len [0 tot queued][0/0 IPv4/v6][Drops queue too long 0/0 IPv4/v6][0/0 tot exporte d/dropped flows][0/0 exported/dropped fps] Jul 11 06:28:28 ntopng cento[725386]: 11/Jul/2022 06:28:28 [FlowExporter.cpp:132] [lo] Flow Export Queue Len [0 tot queued][0/0 IPv4/v6][Drops queue too long 0/0 IPv4/v6][0/0 tot exporte d/dropped flows][0/0 exported/dropped fps]

MatteoBiscosi commented 2 years ago

Hi @lvalero, I think the problem is the configuration. You are capturing by ntopng interface (the c is used for Observation Points) but you are not sending from nProbe to ntopng using Observation Points (if you look at your nProbe config file, no -E option is configured); so please try to collect from interface instead of the (or add an Observation Point to nProbe config file) and let me know. (you can find doc regarding Observation Points here https://www.ntop.org/guides/ntopng/using_with_other_tools/nprobe.html)

lvalero commented 2 years ago

Hello Matteo,

Here is my new working config (now it is working) :

@.***:/etc/nprobe# cat /etc/ntopng/ntopng.conf | grep -v '#' -i=tcp:// -m=",,," -G=/var/run/ntopng.pid -F="clickhouse;;ntopng;default;" -x=524288 -X=2097152

@.:/etc/nprobe# cat nprobe.conf | fgrep -v '#' -i=none --collector-port=2055 --zmq=tcp://:5556 -n=none **@.***@ -G=/var/run/nprobe.pid

I do not know why it worked with the config before the upgrade.

Regards, Lionel.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 3:54 AM Matteo Biscosi @.***> wrote:

Hi @lvalero https://github.com/lvalero, I think the problem is the configuration. You are capturing by ntopng interface (the c is used for Observation Points) but you are not sending from nProbe to ntopng using Observation Points (if you look at your nProbe config file, no -E option is configured); so please try to collect from interface instead of the (or add an Observation Point to nProbe config file) and let me know. (you can find doc regarding Observation Points here https://www.ntop.org/guides/ntopng/using_with_other_tools/nprobe.html)

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MatteoBiscosi commented 2 years ago

Hi @lvalero glad to know that now is working correctly. Please reopen the issue if the same problem is going to appear again