Closed atemix closed 5 months ago
Local HTTP Servers also empty.
Can you please paste the nprobe and ntopng configuration files?
Hi @lucaderi
--interface="kafka://[XXX]" --instance-name=XXX --data-dir=/[XXX]/ntopng --pcap-dir=/[XXX]/n2disk --http-port=0 --https-port=443 --max-num-hosts=1048576 --max-num-flows=67108864 --dns-mode=3 --local-networks=/etc/ntopng/local-networks.conf --dump-flows="clickhouse;XXX;ntopng;XXX;XXX" --ignore-vlans --offline
--disable-startup-checks= --pid-file=/var/run/ --collector-port=2055 --kafka="[XXX]:[XXX];flow;option" --kafka-conf="security.protocol=ssl" --kafka-conf="[XXX]" --kafka-conf="ssl.keystore.location=/etc/nprobe/[XXX].jks" --kafka-conf="ssl.keystore.password=[XXX]" -T="@NTOPNG@" -E=0:999 -i=none -n=none -a= --flow-deduplication=15
After updating to dev 6.1.240603 nothing change. Still no traffic breakdown and networks.
Please see that shows how to configure ntopng and nProbe when using Kafka. Your nprobe kafka configuration is good for exporting data to a kafka broker with consumers different from ntopng. If you want to use ntopng you need to do something like
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS ntopng v.6.0.240531
Hello! Ntopng doesn't analyze traffic and networks on kafka interface. Kafka interface is the only one configured. No traffic breakdown, no networks statistics. Local / remote hosts correctly displayed in flow page. Local-networks configured as --local-networks=/etc/ntopng/local-networks.conf No erros / warnings on startup in log. It is the same ntopng instance as in #8409.