ntop / ntopng

Web-based Traffic and Security Network Traffic Monitoring
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ntopng - traffic graph & stats only update once per minute, and on nprobe exit. #8448

Open apezio opened 3 months ago

apezio commented 3 months ago

nprobe is only sending netflow-lite flow data to ntopng once per minute. Is this a bug? It seems unusable like this. The hosts list and flow list are typically empty by the time the data updates and the traffig graph in ntopng just shows a corresponding spike, once per minute but should show a steady 5Mbps (or whatever) of traffic.

ntopng will also update if I control-c the nprobe process.

The ntopng interface itself updates about once per second, showing about 5 ZMQ Messages per second (447 bytes each).

Once every minute there is a burst of 30 ZMQ's with a length of about 3700 bytes. Within a second or two the ntopng updates its traffic counts and traffic graph.

My router is sending a constant stream of flow information to nprobe (multiple pps).

I am running:

nprobe -i none -b 1 -s 5 -W --nflite 2055:1 -n --zmq "tcp://*:5556" -e 0 ntopng -i tcp:// (same host)

also I have tried about 200 other command line options.... nothing has "fixed" the issue. I also tried nprobe 6.1.x

Version: 6.0.240612 [Enterprise/Professional build] GIT rev: 6.0-stable:98954d1c8729c3fa8d2221dd277e1d38dceb761d:20240612 Pro rev: r6175 Built on: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) System Id: LA2C62ABCB205A206--UA2C62ABC9F24C390--OL Platform: x86_64 Edition: Community License Type: Time-Limited [Empty license file] Validity: Until Thu Jun 13 02:33:29 2024

router#show netflow-lite exporter check Netflow-lite Exporter check: Network Protocol Configuration: Destination IP address: Source IP Address: VRF label: none DSCP: 0x0 TTL: 254 COS: 0 Transport Protocol Configuration: Transport Protocol: UDP Source Port: 52316 Destination Port: 2055 Destination Ports to Load-share: 1 Export Protocol Configuration: Export Protocol: netflow-v9 Template data timeout: 60 Options sampler-table timeout: 60 Options interface-table timeout: 1800 Exporter Statistics: Packets Exported: 863673

Just spent 10 hours on this - Any help would be appreciated!

nprobe stats output:

[root@ntop ~]# nprobe -i none -b 1 -s 5 -W --nflite 2055:1 -n --zmq "tcp://*:5556" -e 0 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:178] No plugins found in ./plugins 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:186] Loading 23 plugins [.so] from /usr/lib/nprobe/plugins 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:6499] WARNING: The minimum snaplen is 64 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7749] IMPORTANT: Enabling NflitePlugin will also enable IP address forging, thus 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7750] IMPORTANT: flows appear as they were sent from the NflitePlugin-enabled switch 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:4848] Exporting flows towards using UDP 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7149] WARNING: IMPORTANT 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7150] WARNING: IMPORTANT --zmq tcp://x.x.x.x:yyyy is deprecated 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7151] WARNING: IMPORTANT and it has been replaced with 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7152] WARNING: IMPORTANT --ntopng zmq://x.x.x.x:yyyy 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7153] WARNING: IMPORTANT Please update your configuration 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7154] WARNING: IMPORTANT 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5387] WARNING: Invalid license (/etc/nprobe.license) [Missing license file] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5397] WARNING: ** 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5398] WARNING: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5399] WARNING: Switching to DEMO MODE 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5400] WARNING: - Missing license file 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5401] WARNING: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5403] WARNING: Purchase your license at 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5404] WARNING: https://shop.ntop.org/ 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5405] WARNING: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:5407] WARNING: ** 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7886] WARNING: The output interfaceId is set to 0: did you forget to use -Q perhaps ? 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7889] WARNING: The input interfaceId is set to 0: did you forget to use -u perhaps ? 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7914] Using ZMQ sourceId 1761666228 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:7988] Welcome to nProbe v.10.4.240612 for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu with native PF_RING acceleration 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:8010] Pro Edition running on CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:8018] Current limits [4 ZMQ exporters][4 collector devices] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:8029] SystemId: LA2C62ABCB205A206--UA2C62ABC9F24C390--OL 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:8122] Sample rate [packet: 1][flow collection/export: 1/1] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11490] WARNING: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11491] WARNING: NOTE: This is a DEMO version limited to: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11492] WARNING: - flows export: 5000 (live), 512 (pcap). 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11493] WARNING: - 300 seconds. 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11494] WARNING: 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [exportPlugin.c:664] WARNING: Kafka support requires nprobe Enterprise M or better: disabled 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nflitePlugin.c:909] ERROR: Flow collector port 2055/IPv6 already in use ? [Address family not supported by protocol/97]: disabling collection over IPv6 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nflitePlugin.c:933] [NFLite] Listening on port range 2055-2055 (1) 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10217] Using template %IN_SRC_MAC %OUT_DST_MAC %INPUT_SNMP %OUTPUT_SNMP %SRC_VLAN %IPV4_SRC_ADDR %IPV4_DST_ADDR %L4_SRC_PORT %L4_DST_PORT %IPV6_SRC_ADDR %IPV6_DST_ADDR %IP_PROTOCOL_VERSION %PROTOCOL %L7_PROTO %L7_CONFIDENCE %IN_BYTES %IN_PKTS %OUT_BYTES %OUT_PKTS %FIRST_SWITCHED %LAST_SWITCHED %CLIENT_TCP_FLAGS %SERVER_TCP_FLAGS %L7_PROTO_RISK %L7_RISK_SCORE %EXPORTER_IPV4_ADDRESS %DIRECTION %SAMPLING_INTERVAL %TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP %NPROBE_IPV4_ADDRESS %NPROBE_INSTANCE_NAME %CLIENT_NW_LATENCY_MS %SERVER_NW_LATENCY_MS %APPL_LATENCY_MS %TCP_WIN_MAX_IN %TCP_WIN_MAX_OUT %OOORDER_IN_PKTS %OOORDER_OUT_PKTS %RETRANSMITTED_IN_PKTS %RETRANSMITTED_OUT_PKTS %SRC_FRAGMENTS %DST_FRAGMENTS %L7_INFO %DNS_QUERY %DNS_QUERY_TYPE %DNS_RET_CODE %HTTP_URL %HTTP_SITE %HTTP_METHOD %HTTP_RET_CODE %TLS_SERVER_NAME %BITTORRENT_HASH %SRC_TOS %DST_TOS %HTTP_USER_AGENT %L7_RISK_INFO 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10219] Using NetFlow Packet Payload Len: 1472 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [template.c:3570] WARNING: Unable to locate template 'NPROBE_IPV6_ADDRESS': Pro version does not include plugins. 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [template.c:3570] WARNING: Unable to locate template 'NPROBE_IPV6_ADDRESS': Pro version does not include plugins. 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:1205] 3 plugin(s) enabled 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10575] Skipping plugin Netflow-Lite Plugin: no IEs defined 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10760] Each flow is 776 bytes long 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10761] The # flows per packet has been set to 1 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:10764] IP TOS is ignored 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11566] Flow export type (-T): bidirectional flows 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11774] Flows ASs will not be computed (no GeoDB files loaded with --as-list) 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11806] Flows will be exported in NetFlow 9 format 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:11852] Learning the public IP address.. Disable it with --disable-startup-checks 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [util.c:6457] Initializing ZMQ as server 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [util.c:6494] Successfully created ZMQ endpoint tcp://*:5556 with sourceId: 1761666228 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:12044] Not capturing packet from interface (collector mode) 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:1000] Enabling plugin DNS/LLMNR Protocol 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:1000] Enabling plugin HTTP Protocol 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [plugin.c:1000] Enabling plugin Netflow-Lite Plugin 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [export.c:483] Using TLV as serialization format 13/Jun/2024 02:32:34 [nprobe.c:12340] nProbe started successfully 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [0.00 pps][All Traffic 0 b/sec][IP Traffic 0 b/sec][ratio -nan] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [0.00 pps][0 b/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4322] Flows exports (including drops) [0 flows][avg: 0.0 flows/sec][latest 1 sec avg: 0.0 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 0][allocated: 0][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][0 flows][total avg: 0 b/sec (0 b/sec traffic)][0.0 bytes/flow][latest 1 sec avg: 0 b/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 0][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 36] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 0][# Flows Rcvd: 36][# Data Flows: 0][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1097221 (35)][# Flow Rcvd: 35] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [36 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 0 (max bucket search: 0) 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:32:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.37 K pps][All Traffic 440.24 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 144.31 Kb/sec][ratio 0.35] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [1.12 K pps][359.53 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 883.91 KB 883.91 KB 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4322] Flows exports (including drops) [0 flows][avg: 0.0 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 0.0 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 387][allocated: 387][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][0 flows][total avg: 3.71 Kb/sec (665.56 Kb/sec traffic)][0.0 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 3.03 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 2][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 2656][# Data Flows: 2103][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1099841 (2655)][# Flow Rcvd: 2655] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [2656 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 67296 (max bucket search: 1) 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:33:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.36 K pps][All Traffic 455.38 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 162.12 Kb/sec][ratio 0.38] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [1.35 K pps][467.74 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 1.29 MB 2.16 MB 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4331] Flows exports (including drops) [2 flows][avg: 0.0 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 0.0 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 592][allocated: 592][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][2 flows][total avg: 3.71 Kb/sec (678.67 Kb/sec traffic)][606.5 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 3.70 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 4][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 5192][# Data Flows: 4636][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1102377 (5191)][# Flow Rcvd: 5191] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [5192 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 148352 (max bucket search: 1) 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [9856 bytes/128 pkts][2 flows/3 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:34:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [9856 bytes/128 pkts][2 flows/3 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.25 K pps][All Traffic 425.88 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 155.72 Kb/sec][ratio 0.39] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [1.06 K pps][372.30 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 1.06 MB 3.21 MB 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4331] Flows exports (including drops) [303 flows][avg: 5.1 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 5.0 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 487][allocated: 487][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][303 flows][total avg: 12.14 Kb/sec (631.60 Kb/sec traffic)][605.2 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 27.47 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 6][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 7181][# Data Flows: 6622][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1104366 (7180)][# Flow Rcvd: 7180] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [7181 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 211904 (max bucket search: 2) 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [11529024 bytes/19552 pkts][303 flows/331 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:35:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [11529024 bytes/19552 pkts][303 flows/331 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.15 K pps][All Traffic 389.05 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 141.37 Kb/sec][ratio 0.39] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [855.00 pps][285.31 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 757.19 KB 3.95 MB 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4331] Flows exports (including drops) [427 flows][avg: 7.1 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 2.1 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 520][allocated: 520][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][427 flows][total avg: 12.61 Kb/sec (577.64 Kb/sec traffic)][605.3 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 13.91 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 8][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 8788][# Data Flows: 8226][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1105973 (8787)][# Flow Rcvd: 8787] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [8788 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 263232 (max bucket search: 1) 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [65549664 bytes/137792 pkts][427 flows/466 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:36:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [65549664 bytes/137792 pkts][427 flows/466 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.09 K pps][All Traffic 369.93 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 135.27 Kb/sec][ratio 0.39] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [858.00 pps][296.96 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 839.72 KB 4.77 MB 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4331] Flows exports (including drops) [597 flows][avg: 9.9 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 2.8 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 539][allocated: 539][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][597 flows][total avg: 13.60 Kb/sec (548.61 Kb/sec traffic)][606.0 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 17.37 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 10][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 10401][# Data Flows: 9836][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1107586 (10400)][# Flow Rcvd: 10400] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4421] Collector Threads: [10401 pkts] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4099] Processed packets: 314752 (max bucket search: 1) 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4080] Fragment queue length: 0 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4130] Flow export stats: [80520768 bytes/160384 pkts][597 flows/652 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4142] Flow export drop stats: [0 bytes/0 pkts][0 flows/0.00 %] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [nprobe.c:4148] Total flow stats: [80520768 bytes/160384 pkts][597 flows/652 pkts sent] 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [export.c:532] ERROR: 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [export.c:533] ERROR: NOTE: You have reached the max demo 597 flows export: no more exports 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [export.c:535] ERROR: NOTE: no additional flows will be exported by this nProbe instance 13/Jun/2024 02:37:35 [export.c:536] ERROR: 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4279] --------------------------------- 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4282] Average traffic: [1.04 K pps][All Traffic 356.68 Kb/sec][IP Traffic 131.48 Kb/sec][ratio 0.40] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4290] Current traffic: [833.00 pps][292.85 Kb/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4298] L7 Proto Diff Total 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4312] Unknown/0 849.28 KB 5.60 MB 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4331] Flows exports (including drops) [597 flows][avg: 9.9 flows/sec][latest 60 sec avg: 0.0 flows/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4339] Flow drops [export queue full: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4342] Packet drops [too many flow buckets: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4345] Flow Buckets [active: 527][allocated: 527][toBeExported: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4349] Export Queue [current: 0][max: 512000][fill level: 0.0%] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nprobe.c:4380] ZMQ Export [1 exporters][597 flows][total avg: 11.27 Kb/sec (528.16 Kb/sec traffic)][606.0 bytes/flow][latest 60 sec avg: 54 b/sec] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nflitePlugin.c:991] [NFLite] [# Template Pkts Rcvd: 12][# Flows with Unknown Templates: 550] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nflitePlugin.c:994] [NFLite] [# Templates Defined: 2][# Flows Rcvd: 11967][# Data Flows: 11399][# Bad Flows: 0] 13/Jun/2024 02:38:35 [nflitePlugin.c:999] [NFLite] [# Flow Packets Lost: 0][Flow Sequence: 1097186-1109152 (11966)][# Flow Rcvd: 11966]


apezio commented 3 months ago

I have tried --zmq-disable-buffering. I synced the clocks on the cisco 4948e-f and the server.

I've been attempting to use the instructions from:

https://www.ntop.org/nprobe/say-hello-to-netflow-lite-nflite/ and https://www.ntop.org/guides/ntopng/using_with_other_tools/nprobe.html and https://www.ntop.org/NetFlowLite/netflow-lite_webinar-cisco.pdf

A lot of conflicting information to be sure, but i tried just about every combo of options I could possibly imagine might have some effect.

apezio commented 3 months ago

FYI it works as expected when using a local nework interface (i.e. nprobe -i eth0).

lucaderi commented 3 months ago

nflite is a clone of sFlow and it sends traffic as soon as the switch decides it's time to export. CAn you please check with wireshark how often nfLite exports you packet dumps?

apezio commented 3 months ago

Templates are exported every 60 seconds and flows are 1000 packets per second.

apezio commented 3 months ago

Here are some tcpdumps of the nflite UDP packets coming from the cisco 4948e.

nflite.pcap.gz 972nflite-pkts.pcap.gz