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Write Recommendation Letter #12

Closed ntrappe closed 7 months ago

ntrappe commented 1 year ago

Recommendation Letters

This Issue is for all the lovely people writing recommendation letters for me! I've added my CV, unofficial transcript, and the supervisors or labs I'm considering.

Table of Contents

University Goals for Rec Letters


University Deadline Degree Department
Stanford Dec 5, 2023 PhD Neuroscience
UC Berkeley Nov 27, 2023 PhD Neuroscience
Oxford Dec 8, 2023 MSc + PhD Neuroscience
Edinburgh Feb 29, 2024 MScR Integrative Neuroscience


University Stanford UC Berkeley Oxford Edinburgh
Referee 1 Rossano Rossano Rossano Rossano
Referee 2 Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson
Referee 3 Powell Powell Powell ---
Referee 4 Arthurs Arthurs --- ---

UCSD Transcript

~Find my transcript here~.

Curriculum Vitae

Find my CV here.

UCSD Classes

List shows which classes I've taken with you. Course Title Professor/TA Term Grade
COGS 13 Field Methods Rossano Winter '19 A
COGS 14A Intro to Research Methods Rossano Winter '18 A
COGS 17 Neurobiology of Cognition Johnson Fall '18 A
COGS 100 Cyborgs Now & in the Future Arthurs Fall '21 A+
COGS 143 Animal Cognition Johnson Winter '19 A+
COGS 144 Social Cognition Rossano Winter '22 A+
COGS 184 Evolution of Cognition Johnson/Arthurs Spring '22 A
CSE 110* Software Engineering Powell Winter '21 A
CSE 112 Advanced Software Engineering Powell Spring '22 A

*Tutored this course in Fall 2022

Academic Stats

Research Topics of Interest


Potential Supervisors & Labs

List of the faculty members I'd consider doing research with if I went to that school.

See the list here.

ntrappe commented 1 year ago

Rec Letter Suggestions


Relationship to the Candidate

Notable Achievements

Regional Preferences

Overall Positive Tone

Sourced from "Graduate School Admissions Essays", "A Field Guide to Grad School", and someone who was on the board.

ntrappe commented 1 year ago


Research Excellence

Self-Directed and Highly Reliable

Broad Skill Set

Passion and Perseverance

Empathy and Ethics

I was asked to outline what I think is important to include in my letters and what I see as my strengths. I'm happy to elaborate on any of the points if needed. This isn't a complete list, but they're the things I value the most about myself.