ntrepid8 / ex_crypto

Wrapper around the Erlang crypto module for Elixir.
MIT License
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Breaks on OTP Release 24 #43

Open CamelCafeRider opened 2 years ago

CamelCafeRider commented 2 years ago

iex(4)> System.otp_release() "24" iex(5)> clear_text = "my-clear-text" "my-clear-text" iex(6)> auth_data = "my-auth-data" "my-auth-data" iex(7)> {:ok, aes_256_key} = ExCrypto.generate_aes_key(:aes_256, :bytes) {:ok, <<16, 212, 156, 208, 202, 106, 240, 39, 18, 138, 213, 17, 35, 15, 50, 53, 156, 60, 141, 243, 97, 61, 145, 27, 178, 31, 106, 172, 167, 224, 213, 119>>} iex(8)> {:ok, {_ad, {init_vec, cipher_text, cipher_tag}}} = ExCrypto.encrypt(aes_256_key, auth_data, clear_text) ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :crypto.block_encrypt/4 is undefined or private, use crypto:crypto_one_time/5, crypto:crypto_one_timeaead/6,7 or crypto:crypto(dyn_iv)?init + crypto:crypto(dyn_iv)?_update + crypto:crypto_final instead (crypto 5.0.2) :crypto.block_encrypt(:aes_gcm, <<16, 212, 156, 208, 202, 106, 240, 39, 18, 138, 213, 17, 35, 15, 50, 53, 156, 60, 141, 243, 97, 61, 145, 27, 178, 31, 106, 172, 167, 224, 213, 119>>, <<75, 167, 47, 63, 228, 39, 177, 233, 98, 107, 47, 119, 119, 193, 82, 54>>, {"my-auth-data", "my-clear-text"}) (ex_crypto 0.10.0) lib/ex_crypto.ex:317: ExCrypto._encrypt/4

dynamite-ready commented 2 years ago

I suspect I'm running into this same issue. For sure, I'm also using ExCrypto.encrypt/3 and my app breaks when calling it with the correct arguments.

I'm running Elixir v1.12.2, on OTP v24 (Ubuntu Xenial). Might be an idea to try and install ExCrypto from the master branch, to get hold of the OTP 24 specific changes.

Update: I can confirm that running from the master branch works ({:ex_crypto, git: "https://github.com/ntrepid8/ex_crypto.git"}). but it would be ideal if the update was tagged and pushed to Hex. I'd have thought it's quite an important module.

ntrepid8 commented 2 years ago

Yes, I'm planning to push the updates. Sorry for the delay.

CamelCafeRider commented 2 years ago

Thank you @ntrepid8

pbm commented 2 years ago

I just tried to update to OTP 24 and hit this issue. Seems Hex.pm is still listing 0.10.0 as the latest. If I use the master branch, things seem to work. Is there an update planned for Hex.pm to fix it for OTP 24?

jonericcook commented 2 years ago

This project is awesome! @ntrepid8 any news on releasing an updated version to hex.pm?

barttenbrinke commented 2 years ago

I came here to ask the exact same thing as @jonericcook - Awesome project 🥳

jonericcook commented 2 years ago

would it be appropriate / inappropriate for one of use to fork and release the updated version onto hex under a new name?

kdawgwilk commented 2 years ago

This library uses an MIT license so there shouldn't be any legal issues but not sure what open source etiquette would say. I know a very similar thing was done with https://github.com/ninenines/gun when a fork was published to support gRPC e.g. {:gun, "~> 2.0.0", hex: :grpc_gun} so there is a precedent set

bogmir commented 2 years ago

I see that the library incorporates changes for OTP 24 now. Just a kind reminder that people are waiting for it to be released on hex.pm. Thanks very much!

wpr101 commented 2 years ago

Is there anybody who can take over this repo or publish it to hex.pm? Would be greatly appreciated.

kdawgwilk commented 2 years ago

Just found a copy of the lib someone else published back in august https://hex.pm/packages/ex_crypto_copy not sure if it includes the otp 24 fixes yet though

EDIT: Looks like it might because the OTP fixes were merged in May

doublej74 commented 2 years ago

Is the maintainer still up and running? maybe he should transfer the project? so we can continue developments. else the lib will die :-(

ntrepid8 commented 2 years ago

I'm happy to add more maintainers who can help admin the project. If anyone wants to volunteer I'm interested :)

Sinc63 commented 2 years ago

I just converted my mix.exs to {:ex_crypto, github: "ntrepid8/ex_crypto"} since the content to fix the warnings is there, @ntrepid8 just hasn't had the time to release it.

There's one warning left about a duplicate doc on lib/ex_crypto.ex:306 from line 277. Other than that this is good.

zraul123 commented 8 months ago

@ntrepid8 Can you add me as an admin? I'll help you maintain the project. Thanks!

zraul123 commented 7 months ago

@ntrepid8 Is it ok to continue the repo under another community?

barttenbrinke commented 7 months ago

@zraul123 If you do, please invite all people in this thread als colabs