Kindly refer to this topic(!topic/skywayjs/Dthlm0Vz5j4) where I have put everything inside. In short, I suspect that when using this SDK with external TURN server(e.g. located on U.S.), although RTCPeerConnection.onicecandidate() gets triggered after RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() and RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() locally, somehow the SDP OFFER gets sent after--should be before, isn't it?--candidates have been sent through. Maybe some threading or queueing flaws?
Kindly refer to this topic(!topic/skywayjs/Dthlm0Vz5j4) where I have put everything inside. In short, I suspect that when using this SDK with external TURN server(e.g. located on U.S.), although RTCPeerConnection.onicecandidate() gets triggered after RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() and RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() locally, somehow the SDP OFFER gets sent after--should be before, isn't it?--candidates have been sent through. Maybe some threading or queueing flaws?
Besides, above logs also show that both SDPs of OFFER and ANSWER truncated without the proper ending. Is it only for logging effects?
Thanks a bunch in advance.
Cheers, Richard