nttgin / BGPalerter

BGP and RPKI monitoring tool. Pre-configured for real-time detection of visibility loss, RPKI invalid announcements, hijacks, ROA misconfiguration, and more.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
810 stars 144 forks source link

Process restarts often when using systemd service. #888

Closed netstx closed 2 years ago

netstx commented 2 years ago

I am not sure if this is expected behavior, so figured I'd open an issue.

Description When running as a service with systemd, the bgpalerter process will restart on its own every ~10 minutes.

Systemd service config and log example



2022-08-15T18:01:10-05:00 info: ris connector connected (instance:6e16e20e-8c05-4830-9a57-7c37812f2bf7 connection:86cdbd2f-9b19-47e6-944c-1df3fe1c4943)
2022-08-15T18:01:10-05:00 info: Subscribed to monitored resources
2022-08-15T18:01:10-05:00 info: Subscribed to beacons
2022-08-15T18:11:55-05:00 info: ris connector connected (instance:71bd9ed3-3168-445d-98cc-59f5339a3bfb connection:414a9d8c-db8a-4257-af7a-6c2303632fc2)
2022-08-15T18:11:55-05:00 info: Subscribed to monitored resources
2022-08-15T18:11:55-05:00 info: Subscribed to beacons
2022-08-15T18:22:37-05:00 info: ris connector connected (instance:0615ac35-9864-4143-9e45-074e67f6db5e connection:a3006ae3-2473-4f35-8d0c-398e5ff23447)
2022-08-15T18:22:37-05:00 info: Subscribed to monitored resources
2022-08-15T18:22:37-05:00 info: Subscribed to beacons

Expected behavior Process to remain running unless stopped.

Are you using the binary or the source code? linux x64 binary on Debian 11

Your information AS62943

massimocandela commented 2 years ago

Hi @netstx,

This is definitely not an expected behavior:) According to the logs you posted, your BGPalerter process dies every 10 minutes and systemd restarts it. It dies silently, with no error logs. This is really weird.

Basic checks:

Please share your config file (be careful to remove passwords etc).

In any case, debug steps: 1) please, install this version (it's a pre-release). You just need to replace the binary file. 2) edit your config.yml and be sure to have a line enableAdvancedRpkiStats: false here. This is not a solution, it's just to understand if the silent crash is somehow related to this feature. If yes, I will need to understand why.


netstx commented 2 years ago

Thanks @massimocandela!

Below is some more additional info, on my 2nd instance (same exact installation method, OS and issue described above, but using it for testing this problem):

systemctl status bgpalerter - note process memory usage at about 10m uptime, host has 1GB ram

● bgpalerter.service - BGPalerter
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bgpalerter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-08-16 05:38:29 CDT; 10min ago
   Main PID: 153278 (bgpalerter-linu)
      Tasks: 10 (limit: 1132)
     Memory: 557.9M
        CPU: 22.352s
     CGroup: /system.slice/bgpalerter.service
             └─153278 /home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64

Aug 16 05:38:29 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 05:38:29 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 05:38:29 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.0 environment: production
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 05:38:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[153278]: Monitoring AS394414

directory and files

bgpalerter@vultr:~$ pwd
bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ls -lhas
total 62M
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 6 bgpalerter bgpalerter 4.0K Aug 15 18:31 .
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 3 root       root       4.0K Aug 14 21:36 ..
4.0K -rw------- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter 1.9K Aug 15 18:30 .bash_history
4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter  220 Aug 14 21:36 .bash_logout
4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter 3.5K Aug 14 21:36 .bashrc
62M -rwxr-xr-x 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter  62M Aug  9 04:38 bgpalerter-linux-x64
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 bgpalerter bgpalerter 4.0K Aug 15 18:35 .cache
8.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter 6.0K Aug 15 18:30 config.yml
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 3 bgpalerter bgpalerter 4.0K Aug 14 21:38 .local
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 bgpalerter bgpalerter 4.0K Aug 16 05:49 logs
4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter 1.2K Aug 15 15:32 prefixes.yml
4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter  807 Aug 14 21:36 .profile
4.0K drwxr-xr-x 3 bgpalerter bgpalerter 4.0K Aug 14 21:45 src
4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 bgpalerter bgpalerter  165 Aug 14 21:36 .wget-hsts
bgpalerter@vultr:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            472M     0  472M   0% /dev
tmpfs            98M  668K   97M   1% /run
/dev/vda1        24G  5.0G   18G  23% /
tmpfs           489M     0  489M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs            98M     0   98M   0% /run/user/0


bgpalerter@vultr:~$ cat config.yml
  - file: connectorRIS
    name: ris
      carefulSubscription: true
      url: ws://
      perMessageDeflate: true
      authorizationHeader: null
        moreSpecific: true
        type: UPDATE
          includeRaw: false

#  - file: connectorRISDump
#    name: dmp

  - file: monitorHijack
    channel: hijack
    name: basic-hijack-detection
      thresholdMinPeers: 3

  - file: monitorNewPrefix
    channel: newprefix
    name: prefix-detection
      thresholdMinPeers: 3

  - file: monitorPath
    channel: path
    name: path-matching
      thresholdMinPeers: 1

  - file: monitorVisibility
    channel: visibility
    name: withdrawal-detection
      thresholdMinPeers: 40

  - file: monitorAS
    channel: misconfiguration
    name: asn-monitor
      thresholdMinPeers: 3

  - file: monitorRPKI
    channel: rpki
    name: rpki-monitor
      thresholdMinPeers: 3
      checkUncovered: false
      checkDisappearing: false

  - file: monitorROAS
    channel: roa
    name: rpki-diff
      enableDiffAlerts: true
      enableExpirationAlerts: true
      enableExpirationCheckTA: true
      enableDeletedCheckTA: true
      roaExpirationAlertHours: 2
      checkOnlyASns: true
      toleranceDeletedRoasTA: 20
      toleranceExpiredRoasTA: 20

  - file: monitorPathNeighbors
    channel: path
    name: path-neighbors
      thresholdMinPeers: 3

  - file: reportFile
      - hijack
      - newprefix
      - visibility
      - path
      - misconfiguration
      - rpki
      - roa
      persistAlertData: false
      alertDataDirectory: alertdata/

  - file: reportEmail
      - hijack
      - newprefix
      - visibility
      - path
      - misconfiguration
      - rpki
      - roa
      showPaths: 10 # Amount of AS_PATHs to report in the alert
        port: 465
        secure: true # If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false it will be still possible doing connection upgrade via STARTTLS
        ignoreTLS: false # If true TLS will be completely disabled, including STARTTLS. Set this to true if you see certificate errors in the logs.
          pass: password
          type: login
          rejectUnauthorized: true  # Reject unauthorized certificates

# Notification settings:
# - notificationIntervalSeconds
#       Defines the amount of seconds after which an alert can be repeated. An alert is repeated only if the event that
#       triggered it is not yet solved.
# - persistStatus
#       Persist the status of BGPalerter. If the process is restarted, the list of alerts already sent is recovered
#       and they are not repeated. The process must be able to write on disc, this option will create a file inside .cache/

notificationIntervalSeconds: 3600
persistStatus: true

# REST API settings:
# -
#       The IP address the server will listen. The default value is localhost, this means the API will not be reachable
#       from another host. To make it public use null or
# - rest.port
#       The port the server will listen

  host: localhost
  port: 8011

  directory: logs
  logRotatePattern: MM-DD-YYYY
  maxRetainedFiles: 10
  maxFileSizeMB: 15
  compressOnRotation: false
  useUTC: false

checkForUpdatesAtBoot: false
generatePrefixListEveryDays: 1

# Process monitoring settings:
# Uncomment or add classes under processMonitors if you want to monitor or send logs about the status of the BGPalerter process

#  - file: uptimeApi
#    params:
#      useStatusCodes: true
  - file: uptimeHealthcheck
      intervalSeconds: 60
      method: get
#  - file: sentryModule
#    params:
#      dsn: https://<key><project>

# The files containing the monitored prefixes. Please see prefixes.yml for an example.
# This is an array (use new lines and dashes!)

  - prefixes.yml

# The file containing the user groups.
# User groups can be specified
# 1) directly above, in each report module; or
# 2) inside an external file, as specified below (disabled by default).
# Using an external file allows BGPalerter to auto-reload the user group definitions
# when the external file is changed.

# groupsFile: groups.yml.example

# HTTP proxy setting:
# Allow to run BGPalerter behind an HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
# You can also specify which module can bypass the proxy.
# More information here:

# httpProxy: http://username:password@

# RPKI settings:
# Global RPKI settings shared across all monitors requiring RPKI data
# More information here:
# To enable ROA expiration alerts, you need VRPs including expiration timestamps.
# "rpkiclient" is the default vrpProvider since is the only one supporting ROAs expiration data.

  vrpProvider: rpkiclient
  preCacheROAs: true
  refreshVrpListMinutes: 15
  markDataAsStaleAfterMinutes: 120

# Advanced settings (Don't touch here!)
# Please, refer to the documentation to know the meaning of the following parameters.

alertOnlyOnce: false
fadeOffSeconds: 360
checkFadeOffGroupsSeconds: 30
maxMessagesPerSecond: 6000
multiProcess: false
environment: production
configVersion: 2


bgpalerter@vultr:~$ cat prefixes.yml
  description: No description provided
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
  description: No description provided (No ROA available)
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
  description: No description provided
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
  description: No description provided
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
  description: No description provided
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
  description: No description provided
    - 394414
  ignoreMorespecifics: false
  ignore: false
  group: noc
      group: noc
        - 32621
        - 44570
        - 50058
        - 62943
        - 6939
        - 968
    exclude: []
    excludeDelegated: true
      - '394414'
    historical: false
    group: noc
      - '394414'

I don't see a directory 'alertdata' created when running the binary for the first time... Is it required? It's on the config.

There's nothing else installed on this VM (as well as on the container that's running my production alerter for AS62943). Essentially it's a fresh Debian 11 install with just some apt packages (wget, curl, whois, net-tools, dnsutils, mtr-tiny, etc).

I am going to perform the 2 debug steps you shared above, and reply back here in an hour or two with updates. Thanks again, really appreciate it!

EDIT: the pre-release version shows same version when running with flag -v:

bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ./bgpalerter-linux-x64 -v
bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ./bgpalerter-linux-x64-old -v
netstx commented 2 years ago

Hi @massimocandela :)

Here is an update, with the pre-release binary and the config change you suggested, looks like the process survives beyond 10 minutes:

Every 1.0s: systemctl status bgpalerter.service                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               vultr: Tue Aug 16 06:36:35 2022

● bgpalerter.service - BGPalerter
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bgpalerter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-08-16 06:06:52 CDT; 29min ago
   Main PID: 155512 (bgpalerter-linu)
      Tasks: 10 (limit: 1132)
     Memory: 203.4M
        CPU: 44.495s
     CGroup: /system.slice/bgpalerter.service
             └─155512 /home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64

Aug 16 06:06:52 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 06:06:53 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 06:06:53 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.0 environment: production
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 06:07:05 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[155512]: Monitoring AS394414

I am going to test the stable version with the same config change, and see if there are any different results. I'll report back shortly.

massimocandela commented 2 years ago

EDIT: the pre-release version shows same version when running with flag -v:

bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ./bgpalerter-linux-x64 -v
bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ./bgpalerter-linux-x64-old -v

Opssss, download the binary again now, it should not change anything (I think only the release number bump was missing), but just in case...

Thanks for doing the test. Please, check also with the new binary if it crashes when you set enableAdvancedRpkiStats to true.

netstx commented 2 years ago

No problem!

Leaving the config change in place, but using the current stable binary, I am still seeing the process restart every 10min.

I am going to download the pre-release 1.30.1 again, and test it with enableAdvancedRpkiStats to true.

EDIT: the version is now fixed since you reissued the binary :)

bgpalerter@vultr:~$ ./bgpalerter-linux-x64 -v
netstx commented 2 years ago

I am back @massimocandela - Looks like setting enableAdvancedRpkiStats to true with the pre-release 1.30.1 version causes the restarts at every 10m, where as with it set to false seems to get rid of this symptom.

Checking the error.log file while set to true, I don't see anything "new":

2022-08-16T06:59:54-05:00 error: RIPE RIS disconnected (error: process termination). Read more at
2022-08-16T07:01:41-05:00 info: ris connector connected (instance:fe37007c-5254-4eb1-8ba2-5e481d609a05 connection:67aa60f7-2da6-436f-9982-bfebf4d4c9f9)
2022-08-16T07:01:41-05:00 info: Subscribed to monitored resources
2022-08-16T07:01:41-05:00 info: Subscribed to beacons
2022-08-16T07:12:27-05:00 info: ris connector connected (instance:26a806a2-0f72-4473-b340-74ab2aee06cf connection:0eed3552-7a62-4e72-ac57-1340c41a3e0c)
2022-08-16T07:12:27-05:00 info: Subscribed to monitored resources
2022-08-16T07:12:27-05:00 info: Subscribed to beacons

...but, when checking /var/log/daemon.log I do see more information:

Aug 16 11:39:11 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 11:39:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 11:39:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.0 environment: production
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 11:39:22 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: Monitoring AS394414
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: <--- Last few GCs --->
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: [160961:0x3074490]   611643 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 486.5 (491.7) -> 485.1 (492.5) MB, 557.1 / 0.0 ms  (+ 65.4 ms in 28 steps since start of marking, biggest step 17.2 ms, walltime since start of marking 735 ms) (average mu = 0.299, current mu = 0.245) al
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: <--- JS stacktrace --->
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  1: 0x8e08f0 node::Abort() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  2: 0x8297f7 node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  3: 0x9f48d6 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  4: 0x9f4b6d v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  5: 0xb96c35  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  6: 0xb97687 v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  7: 0xba0208 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  8: 0xba3830 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]:  9: 0x16b634d  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 10: 0xb679d3 v8::internal::FactoryBase<v8::internal::Factory>::NewRawOneByteString(int, v8::internal::AllocationType) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 11: 0xc7f147 v8::internal::JsonParser<unsigned char>::MakeString(v8::internal::JsonString const&, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 12: 0xc81a82 v8::internal::JsonParser<unsigned char>::ParseJsonValue() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 13: 0xc862a9 v8::internal::JsonParser<unsigned char>::Parse(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Object>) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 14: 0xa9ad7b v8::internal::Builtin_JsonParse(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[160961]: 15: 0x176dd19  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Aug 16 11:49:24 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 29.348s CPU time.
Aug 16 11:49:54 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Aug 16 11:49:54 vultr systemd[1]: Stopped BGPalerter.
Aug 16 11:49:54 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 29.348s CPU time.
Aug 16 11:49:54 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 11:49:54 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 11:49:55 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.0 environment: production
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 11:50:08 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[162872]: Monitoring AS394414
Aug 16 11:59:54 vultr systemd[1]: Stopping BGPalerter...
Aug 16 11:59:54 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Succeeded.
Aug 16 11:59:54 vultr systemd[1]: Stopped BGPalerter.
Aug 16 11:59:54 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 18.565s CPU time.
Aug 16 12:01:25 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 12:01:25 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 12:01:25 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.1 environment: production
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 12:01:41 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: Monitoring AS394414
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: <--- Last few GCs --->
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: [164664:0x348b490]   616638 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 485.9 (491.4) -> 484.2 (491.9) MB, 674.4 / 0.0 ms  (+ 0.0 ms in 4 steps since start of marking, biggest step 0.0 ms, walltime since start of marking 687 ms) (average mu = 0.256, current mu = 0.140) alloc[164664:0x348b490]   617450 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 485.5 (491.9) -> 485.1 (492.7) MB, 779.1 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.153, current mu = 0.041) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: <--- JS stacktrace --->
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  1: 0x8e08f0 node::Abort() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  2: 0x8297f7 node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  3: 0x9f48d6 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  4: 0x9f4b6d v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  5: 0xb96c35  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  6: 0xb97687 v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  7: 0xba0208 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  8: 0xba3830 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]:  9: 0xb6d072 v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, bool, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: 10: 0xe71fee v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[164664]: 11: 0x176dc39  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Aug 16 12:11:43 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 32.830s CPU time.
Aug 16 12:12:13 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Aug 16 12:12:13 vultr systemd[1]: Stopped BGPalerter.
Aug 16 12:12:13 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 32.830s CPU time.
Aug 16 12:12:13 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 12:12:14 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 12:12:14 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.1 environment: production
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 12:12:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: Monitoring AS394414
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: <--- Last few GCs --->
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: [166589:0x4701490]   611807 ms: Scavenge 485.1 (490.4) -> 483.9 (490.7) MB, 2.0 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.322, current mu = 0.307) allocation failure
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: [166589:0x4701490]   612552 ms: Mark-sweep 485.6 (490.9) -> 483.5 (491.4) MB, 737.4 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.233, current mu = 0.135) allocation failure scavenge might not succeed
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: <--- JS stacktrace --->
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  1: 0x8e08f0 node::Abort() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  2: 0x8297f7 node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  3: 0x9f48d6 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  4: 0x9f4b6d v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  5: 0xb96c35  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  6: 0xb97687 v8::internal::Heap::RecomputeLimits(v8::internal::GarbageCollector) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  7: 0xba0208 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  8: 0xba3830 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]:  9: 0xb6d072 v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, bool, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: 10: 0xe71fee v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[166589]: 11: 0x176dc39  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Aug 16 12:22:27 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 31.753s CPU time.
Aug 16 12:22:57 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
Aug 16 12:22:57 vultr systemd[1]: Stopped BGPalerter.
Aug 16 12:22:57 vultr systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Consumed 31.753s CPU time.
Aug 16 12:22:57 vultr systemd[1]: Started BGPalerter.
Aug 16 12:22:58 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Loaded config: /home/bgpalerter/config.yml
Aug 16 12:22:58 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: BGPalerter, version: 1.30.1 environment: production
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:ae0::/44
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring 2a06:1180:1::/48
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring 2a06:c3c0:6::/48
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring 2a06:a005:2d8::/48
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring 2604:2980:f603::/48
Aug 16 12:23:12 vultr bgpalerter-linux-x64[168077]: Monitoring AS394414

Since I noticed memory consumption spikes at the end of the 10m run, I wonder if there's a memory allocation issue of some sort? Not sure if these are correlated, just a wild guess.

massimocandela commented 2 years ago

The memory allocation is correlated. The enableAdvancedRpkiStats is a memory intensive option. I had the suspect it was this feature because it triggers some stats every 10 minutes.

Does it happen only when started with systemd?

edit: does it happen only on vultr? or also locally/other cloud provider?

massimocandela commented 2 years ago

note process memory usage at about 10m uptime, host has 1GB ram

I may have skipped this! 1Gb ram is not enough. Possibly you have in the system 500Mb free, the old version of BGPalerter required 1~1.2Gb, the new one requires 1.5Gb when enableAdvancedRpkiStats is true. So I would install it on a 4Gb vm. If you set enableAdvancedRpkiStats to false, with some swap it will work with 1Gb.

It's a good topic tho, I need to write some requirements on the main page :)

netstx commented 2 years ago

The same issue was replicated on my LXC container (debian11) running on Proxmox, so I don't think it is just on Vultr.

Here are some stats of the container, showing some memory utilization spikes every so often (coinciding with CPU and bandwidth):

netstx commented 2 years ago

note process memory usage at about 10m uptime, host has 1GB ram

I may have skipped this! 1Gb ram is not enough. Possibly you have in the system 500Mb free, the old version of BGPalerter required 1~1.2Gb, the new one requires 1.5Gb when enableAdvancedRpkiStats is true. So I would install it on a 4Gb vm. If you set enableAdvancedRpkiStats to false, with some swap it will work with 1Gb.

It's a good topic tho, I need to write some requirements on the main page :)

Ah, I can also try with more RAM :) I will keep you updated!

Update: @massimocandela I've increased the production container RAM to 2GB (running stable 1.3.0) and set enableAdvancedRpkiStats to false. It has been running for almost 3 hours now. This seems to have solved the issue :)

EDIT: perhaps the enableAdvancedRpkiStats could be set to false by default if auto-generated, but with a comment suggesting additional RAM is needed? Also, VM resources seem more stable since then:

massimocandela commented 2 years ago

Ah, I can also try with more RAM :) I will keep you updated!

In the meanwhile, I'm doing some additional tests. 2GB should be enough to run everything without features disabled. The numbers I gave you before refer to virtual memory (recorded values for physical memory are much smaller, ~800MB). These values are from our monitoring for the entire NTT network. I think is a reasonable amount.

Update: @massimocandela I've increased the production container RAM to 2GB (running stable 1.3.0) and set enableAdvancedRpkiStats to false. It has been running for almost 3 hours now. This seems to have solved the issue :)

Could you try with enableAdvancedRpkiStats enabled? If you are dedicating the VM to BGPalerter, and there are no other processes using serious memory, you should be able to run it.

EDIT: perhaps the enableAdvancedRpkiStats could be set to false by default if auto-generated, but with a comment suggesting additional RAM is needed?

I thought about it, but better not. I prefer to default to the safest configuration possible, and provide the most accurate and actionable alerts possible. It's better if people disable what they do not want than to enable what they probably don't even know it exists (up to when something happens and they wonder why they didn't get an alert).

Also, VM resources seem more stable since then:

Yes, because during boot, BGPalerter does a bunch of initial checks and indexing. By restarting the process every 10 minutes everything was repeated over and over.

netstx commented 2 years ago

Appreciate your thorough responses! Definitely understand your points.

Could you try with enableAdvancedRpkiStats enabled? If you are dedicating the VM to BGPalerter, and there are no other processes using serious memory, you should be able to run it.

Yes, no problem, I'll report back.

ancker010 commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to note I ran into this same issue. Was running on a t2.micro instance in AWS. It would lock up due to memory usage. Switched to a t2.medium and it's fine now.

I would also suggest some way to detect lower than recommended RAM in the logs at startup. Something like "WARNING: System RAM lower than recommended, please see $url" and point to the new requirements page.

lukastribus commented 1 year ago

On a 2GB RAM VM with enableAdvancedRpkiStats: false monitoring 15 something prefixes leads to periodic crashes, either at after 2 hours or after 4 hours of runtime.

I'm assuming this is expected behavior, but it still sounds like a lot for monitoring just a few prefixes, also it's strange that it crashes quasi exactly at 2 or 4 hours of runtime.

massimocandela commented 1 year ago

Hi @lukastribus, this is not the expected behavior. 2GB are more than enough, especially with enableAdvancedRpkiStats: false. What log/error.log and /var/log/daemon.log say? What your usage of RAM? What OS and BGPalerter version? Are you sure it's a crash and not the process getting killed?

lukastribus commented 1 year ago

It's Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, "free -m" shows > 1300MB of available memory.

From the journalctl output I can see node calling abort() due to memory allocation failure. The strange thing is the fixed 2 or 4 hours interval. I'm sending you configuration and full logs via email.

Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: <--- Last few GCs --->
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: [274925:0x2bdd490]  7204014 ms: Scavenge 761.4 (781.4) -> 761.4 (781.4) MB, 24.2 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.997, current mu = 0.999) allocation failure
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: [274925:0x2bdd490]  7204641 ms: Mark-sweep 1016.4 (1036.5) -> 908.7 (928.1) MB, 168.9 / 0.0 ms  (+ 37.0 ms in 4 steps since start of marking, biggest step 18.6 ms, walltime since start of marking 1543 ms) (average mu = 0.993, current mu = 0.894) allocatio
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: <--- JS stacktrace --->
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: FATAL ERROR: MarkCompactCollector: young object promotion failed Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  1: 0x8e08f0 node::Abort() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  2: 0x8297f7 node::FatalError(char const*, char const*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  3: 0x9f48d6 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  4: 0x9f4b6d v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  5: 0xb96c35  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  6: 0xbb683e  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  7: 0xbd363f v8::internal::FullEvacuator::RawEvacuatePage(v8::internal::MemoryChunk*, long*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  8: 0xbcdb6a v8::internal::Evacuator::EvacuatePage(v8::internal::MemoryChunk*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]:  9: 0xbd37a8  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 10: 0xbb3689 v8::internal::ItemParallelJob::Run() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 11: 0xbd4a23 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::EvacuatePagesInParallel() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 12: 0xbd52c6 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::Evacuate() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 13: 0xbb7d09 v8::internal::MarkCompactCollector::CollectGarbage() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 14: 0xb9f3dc v8::internal::Heap::MarkCompact() [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 15: 0xba0628 v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection(v8::internal::GarbageCollector, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 16: 0xba3830 v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 17: 0x16b634d  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 18: 0xb67d42 v8::internal::FactoryBase<v8::internal::Factory>::AllocateRawArray(int, v8::internal::AllocationType) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 19: 0xb67e80 v8::internal::FactoryBase<v8::internal::Factory>::NewFixedArrayWithFiller(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Map>, int, v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::Oddball>, v8::internal::AllocationType) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 20: 0xcf79ec  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 21: 0xe45a9a v8::internal::Runtime_GrowArrayElements(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:21:59 htznr2 bgpalerter-linux-x64[274925]: 22: 0x176dc39  [/home/bgpalerter/bgpalerter-linux-x64]
Nov 24 16:22:00 htznr2 systemd[1]: bgpalerter.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=6/ABRT
