ntu-aris / ntu_viral_dataset

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matlab script error!!! #8

Closed zuowei1998 closed 2 years ago

zuowei1998 commented 2 years ago

2022-05-04 02-55-16 的屏幕截图 do u know how to fix it??? thanks

brytsknguyen commented 2 years ago

Hi @zuowei1998 I just replied to this on the aloam repo https://github.com/brytsknguyen/A-LOAM/issues/1#issuecomment-1117173414

brytsknguyen commented 2 years ago

Copied from https://github.com/brytsknguyen/A-LOAM/issues/1#issuecomment-1117173414

You can comment out line 19 to 29, and line 32, and uncomment line 31 as follows:

% myCluster   = parcluster('local');
% fprintf('Number of tests: %d. Number of Workers: %d\n\n',...
%          length(tests), myCluster.NumWorkers);
% workers_needed = min(6, length(tests));
% if myCluster.NumWorkers < workers_needed
%     delete(gcp);
%     parpool(workers_needed);
% end

for n=1:tests_count
% parfor n=1:tests_count

    [P_ate, rot_rmse] = check_viral_cal_err_parall(n, tests(n));

    EXP_NAME(n) = {tests(n).name(8:end)};
    P_ATE(n)    = {P_ate};
    R_ATE(n)    = {rot_rmse};

%     pause;

The commands from line 19 to 29 are to generate local worker pool to analyze the experiments in parallel to save time. The error may have something to do with your matlab subscription. Commenting them out make the analysis runs in sequence, which takes more time.