ntubiolin / xcos

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Free form #5

Closed ntubiolin closed 4 years ago

ntubiolin commented 4 years ago

Why do we need this PR?

Add free form training support. Result: Screenshot from 2020-03-02 14-00-53 Screenshot from 2020-03-02 14-01-16

How is it implemented?

  1. Use the free-from code
  2. Generated ~5M masks with different mask ratios: 202529 5% 1825944 15% 1971783 25% 816827 35% 167014 45% 15418 55% 483 65% 9 75% 1 85 1 95% by running
    python scripts/mask_scripts/gen_masks.py -od ~/test/free_form -vl 1 -ns 2 -nsb 1 4 -iw 112 -ih 112 -n 5000000 --image_masks -sp object_like_middle --cluster_by_area
    python scripts/mask_scripts/gen_masks.py -od ~/test/free_form -vl 1 -ns 2 -nsb 1 4 -iw 112 -ih 112 -n 5000000 --image_masks -sp object_like_middle --cluster_by_area --redo_without_generation
  3. Generate the masked CASIA datasets with different mask ratios.
  4. Add mask_dir argument into the code of validation dataset.

    PR readiness checklist

    • [v] Did it pass the Flake8 check?
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