I think the two following template command bash files have incorrect names.
BrainSlices/templateCommandMultivariateBSplineSyN.sh seems to perform TimeVaryingVelocityField transformation, while BrainSlices/templateCommandTimeVarying.sh seems to perform BSplineSyN transformation.
As a side note, I think it would be helpful for new users to briefly explain the differences between the four template command bash files of BrainSlices in the readme.
Hi Nick!
I think the two following template command bash files have incorrect names. BrainSlices/templateCommandMultivariateBSplineSyN.sh seems to perform TimeVaryingVelocityField transformation, while BrainSlices/templateCommandTimeVarying.sh seems to perform BSplineSyN transformation.
As a side note, I think it would be helpful for new users to briefly explain the differences between the four template command bash files of BrainSlices in the readme.
Merci, Martin