nu-radio / NuRadioMC

A Monte Carlo simulation package for radio neutrino detectors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Numpy 2.0 is going to break things #695

Open clark2668 opened 2 months ago

clark2668 commented 2 months ago

Describe the issue Numpy 2.0 is going to deprecate some things, like np.infty. This means that lines like: from NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generator import generate_eventlist_cylinder start throwing errors:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/plot_sim_event/generate_event/", line 3, in <module>
    from NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generator import generate_eventlist_cylinder
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/NuRadioMC/NuRadioMC/EvtGen/", line 14, in <module>
    from NuRadioMC.simulation.simulation import pretty_time_delta
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/NuRadioMC/NuRadioMC/simulation/", line 3, in <module>
    from radiotools import helper as hp
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/software/miniconda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/radiotools/", line 3, in <module>
    from radiotools.atmosphere import models as atm
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/software/miniconda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/radiotools/atmosphere/", line 395, in <module>
    class Atmosphere():
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/software/miniconda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/radiotools/atmosphere/", line 631, in Atmosphere
    def get_atmosphere(self, zenith, h_low=0., h_up=np.infty, observation_level=0):
  File "/data/condor_builds/users/baclark/RNOG/simulation/software/miniconda/lib/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/", line 397, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(
AttributeError: `np.infty` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use `np.inf` instead.. Did you mean: 'info'?

I guess this is formally an issue with radiotools, but I have to imagine things like this are sprinkled into NuRadioMC too.

MijnheerD commented 2 months ago

I think this is purely an issue with radiotools. Installing the version from Github instead of PyPi actually solves this issue (ie. doing pip install git+ ). I have not encountered this issue when using any NuRadio modules so far.

Maybe as a quick fix we could limit the Numpy version to 1.x, but in the long term it would be useful to either use the git version in the TOML file or ask the radiotools devs to release a new version on the PyPi.

anelles commented 2 months ago

Sounds like an relatively easy fix for @cg-laser who usually does the radiotools releases!

clark2668 commented 2 months ago

Indeed, it looks like it was fixed a couple weeks ago! ( I think radiotools probably just needs a new pypi release? I'll close this request then! With another tag to @cg-laser :)

cozzyd commented 1 week ago

I suspect this will cause problems wherever numpy arrays are pickled as well (which, seems like it happens a lot in .nur files?).

As I understand, if someone produces a .nur file with numpy 2.x, it won't be readable in numpy < 1.26 due some some internals changing in numpy arrays. Doing the opposite I believe will jwilll cause a deprecation warning, which is not as serious, though eventually numpy 2.x will probably remove the compatibility shim (though they are providing as a solution).

I suspect in the near term, different people will start using numpy 1.x and 2.x (since numpy is not pinned to either side) and interchanging .nur files could become more annoying until everybody is on 2.x

cozzyd commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that pickling a numpy array with numpy 2.x is unreadable on on numpy < 1.26 (it does work on 1.26). I haven't directly tested a .nur file but as numpy arrays are pickled, it should certainly cause problems across the 2.0 boundary.

I did not observe a deprecation warning going the other way though, so that's good?

For now probably the solution is to make sure anybody producing .nur files to be consumed by other people to pin numpy < 2 ? Requiring numpy >=1.26 (or >=2) likely to be more difficult, but probably something that should be done eventually.

cozzyd commented 1 week ago

(actually probably needs to be >= 1.26.1 if I'm reading the release notes correctly)

clark2668 commented 1 week ago

Hi! Thanks for taking a look at this Cosmin. I think it's worth reopening this discussion in light of that, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective at all... Pinning numpy < 2 won't work, eventually python will drop that. But if the data formats are not forward compatible, then I don't see how we won't run into this issue again down the road. Is there any way to make pkl more futureproof?

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

Hi! Thanks for taking a look at this Cosmin. I think it's worth reopening this discussion in light of that, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective at all... Pinning numpy < 2 won't work, eventually python will drop that. But if the data formats are not forward compatible, then I don't see how we won't run into this issue again down the road. Is there any way to make pkl more futureproof?

yes, one option would be to convert every numpy array to a list before dumping it into a pickle file. The implementation of this should be somewhat straight forward, it will go to the cost of some efficiency I assume

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

(actually probably needs to be >= 1.26.1 if I'm reading the release notes correctly)

For me it did work with 1.26.0. But I can confirm that I could not read 2.0 files with 1.26 interpreter (the other direction worked!)

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

For me personal that is okay, as long as we can read old files I am happy that new files can only be read with newer version of the libraries. But I agree it is not ideal.

sjoerd-bouma commented 1 week ago

Thanks for flagging this! I agree this is a problem - we do want to at least guarantee backwards compatibility with NuRadioMC, I think, which will break if the same version of NuRadioMC can use either version of numpy (as an aside, for other reasons (#628 ) we should anyway tag the numpy version used for simulations - this is another open issue). My suggestion would be

  1. Pin numpy < 2 for now (ASAP), probably also in a pip release of 2.2.x or 2.3 so that we avoid users using numpy 2.0 as much as possible;
  2. At a later stage, make a future version of NuRadioMC that requires numpy > 2. This should probably happen in a major release. We can then ensure that the newest nur reader is at least backwards-compatible (if necessary by manually implementing the numpy fix Cosmin linked).

While (1.) might not be foolproof (I'm not sure how pip will resolve pip install nuradiomc for users that already have numpy 2.* installed), I think this is the best we can do? I would have thought converting all numpy objects in NuRadioMC to pure Python objects before serialization (and vice versa on deserialization) is a lot of work and probably adds some significant performance overhead as well.

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

why dont we pin it to >= 2? We can read old files without problems and we ensure if new files with 2.x are produced that everyone can read them.

clark2668 commented 1 week ago

I mean, not to open a broader discussion, but this seems like a drawback of the pkl paradigm. Just doing some googling, it sounds like it has two well known challenges: that the files may not be compatible across python versions, and they also have security concerns. Some quick googling actually pulls up some articles on this:

So maybe pkl just isn't great as a long term / archive solution, or even somethings that's stable user to user because they may have different python and numpy versions, as we're running into now? It would probably take a lot of work to revamp the data format, but I wonder if it's worth thinking about seriously for a future major revision?

In the meantime, I think pinning a version of numpy sounds good.

sjoerd-bouma commented 1 week ago

why dont we pin it to >= 2? We can read old files without problems and we ensure if new files with 2.x are produced that everyone can read them.

numpy>=2 would mean we have to deprecate all python versions before 3.9. I don't think this is worth it at this stage.

So maybe pkl just isn't great as a long term / archive solution, or even somethings that's stable user to user because they may have different python and numpy versions, as we're running into now? It would probably take a lot of work to revamp the data format, but I wonder if it's worth thinking about seriously for a future major revision?

Yep, pickle has a number of downsides, and there are probably better ways to do storage - maybe worth having a think about. But I agree that for now revamping storage completely is too big of an ask (and I certainly don't think we should do this in a minor release, so we should still pin numpy<2 in 2.2.x/2.3).

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

Python 3.8 has its end of life this October! My personally opinion is that we can (and should) deprecate all python versions which are "end of life". The only reason I would see to keep an old version is that some users might make use of some clusters which only support end-of-live python versions....

sjoerd-bouma commented 1 week ago

Python 3.8 has its end of life this October! My personally opinion is that we can (and should) deprecate all python versions which are "end of life". The only reason I would see to keep an old version is that some users might make use of some clusters which only support end-of-live python versions....

I reckon the advantage of having updated versions of NuRadioMC for users that work on clusters that do not support old Python versions outweighs whatever the benefits of numpy 2.x are for the moment. But that's a discussion that's worth having.

clark2668 commented 1 week ago

I think some of these concerns can be mitigated by pushing folks to use e.g. conda environments. but that's not a perfect solution either. But it's also true that older versions of python can't be supported forever, and unfortunately academic computing clusters are infamously slow to upgrade. Do we know how serious of a problem this would be for the collaboration? I wonder if a quick poll would be helpful.

fschlueter commented 1 week ago

I wonder if a quick poll would be helpful.

I like the idea. But I would not be surprise that if we do a poll and the outcome is we can move to numpy 2 that in half a year someone comes complaining who ignored the poll ... xD

cozzyd commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure that python EOL dates are hugely relevant. EL8 has python3.6 by default, for instance. It's possible to use newer python, of course, but at the cost of having to manage any non-python dependencies with python bindings built against python3.6 yourself, e.g. recompiling ROOT with the right python headers for PyROOT). Even on clusters with no module system or anything like that (do those exist?), compiling newer python from source is fairly straightforward, though perhaps a bit of a hurdle for a novice user. It is a bit unfortunate that the python ecosystem moves both so fast and slow. I think deprecating python versions requires a good reason, but this might be a good enough reason.

I'm more concerned about people getting into trouble by trying to upgrade numpy to >=2 in case they have installed something else in the same environment that requires numpy <2. Hopefully most people are following best practices and have a dedicated virtual environment for NuRadioMC, but I'm not sure that's always the case. Even then, I'm not sure pip will automatically update other packages people may be using concurrently in the same environment that require newer versions for numpy 2.0 support in an existing environment (e.g. uproot, awkwardarray, numba), and I'm not sure all users will effectively be able to solve this problem without help (probably, in most cases, starting a new venv is the easiest solution...).