nu774 / qaac

CLI QuickTime AAC/ALAC encoder
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Regarding makeportable.cmd for iTunes installer and later #69

Open msoxzw opened 3 years ago

msoxzw commented 3 years ago

Firstly, I appreciate your excellent AAC encoder.

As far as I know, one work-around for getting DLLs in the new installer is as follows:

msiexec /a iTunes64.msi /q TARGETDIR={Directory}

iTunes64.msi denotes the file extracted from installer by 7-zip. {Directory} signifies the destination directory.

Then, the necessary DLLs could be found in the "iTunes" folder of destination directory. In addition, this method also applies to "Apple Application Support component" in the the prior installer.

jc3213 commented 3 years ago

I've rewritten the makeportable.cmd

You can put 7z.exe, 7z.dll and ExtractAppleApplication.cmd into the same folder without installing 7-zip. You can also double click ExtractAppleApplication.cmd and input where you save iTunes64Setup.exe (or iTunesSetup.exe)

If there's no 7z.exe in the same folder as ExtractAppleApplication.cmd, or 7-zip is not installed, the batch script will end immediately

Work stream: 1) Use 7-zip to extract iTunes64.msi (or iTunes.msi) to where installation package is saved 2) Use msiexec to deploy all files into .Unpacked folder 3) Copy targeted files into iTunes64 (or iTunes) folder 4) Delete iTunes*.msi and remove .Unpacked folder