importantly this doesn't conflate exceptions and values like the Midje =not=> does, which has traditionally lead to many uncaught bugs in our test suites:
(facts "=not=> vs mismatch"
(fact "wHHYYY does this pass?"
(throw (ex-info "boom" {})) =not=> 1)
(fact "we sleep well at night knowing this doesn't pass"
(throw (ex-info "boom" {})) => (match (m/mismatch 1))))
useful for asserting that something is not in the result: for example:
open questions:
lead to more readable tests in general?semantics
in your head?for both of these questions I decided to discourage negation matching in the README and the docstring
example failure messages
importantly this doesn't conflate exceptions and values like the Midje
does, which has traditionally lead to many uncaught bugs in our test suites: