nubosoftware / linux-remote-desktop

Linux based secure, open source, multi-tenant environment for remote work.
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PUT request on invite #3

Open franchuk82 opened 2 years ago

franchuk82 commented 2 years ago

Hi. I installed nobu remote desktop and register my users.

  1. I was add them on profiles tab and try send invite to they email addresses, but on PUT request /api/profiles/my-users%40my-domain/invite i got that response from api
status  "0"
message Object { code: "EAUTH", response: "535 Authentication Credentials Invalid", responseCode: 535, … }
code    "EAUTH"
response    "535 Authentication Credentials Invalid"
responseCode    535
command "AUTH PLAIN"

nubo-frontend doesn't logs any events, how i can debug any things?

  1. Where i can read any docs about configurations?, for example email settings

  2. You didn't say any word about customs network for every docker container

nubosoftware commented 2 years ago


Thank you for bringing up those issues. We still have lots of work on documentation, FAQ, etc. so it's good to see what is missing and add it to docs later.

  1. You need to update the mail settings in the management configuration file at <HOME>/nubomanagement/conf/Settings.json . Please change the parameters in the "mailOptions" object to send email via your SMTP server. For example:
        "host": "smtp-host",
        "port": 465,
        "secure": true,
        "auth": {
            "user": "user",
            "pass": "pass"

    After the change you may need to restart the nubo-management container. You can do that by running the following command from the home directory: docker-compose restart nubo-management The logs for email are in the nubo-management (and not frontend). You can find the logs in the nubo-management container inside the /opt/nubomanagement/log folder. e.g.:

    $ docker exec -it nubo-management bash
    root@nubo-management:/# cd /opt/nubomanagement/log 
    root@nubo-management:/opt/nubomanagement/log# tail -100 multithreadserver.log

Also , if email still doesn't work, you have another option to approve users: In the admin control panel, go to "Profiles" and "Approvals" tab, find the request and approve it by clicking the green V icon.

  1. As I wrote above documentation for email is still missing. Meanwhile, please send issues like this and we will try to answer as soon as possible.

  2. Regarding custom network for any user containers: Currently all user containers are in the same docker network: net_sess . We are working to change that and allow more control and security.

HalfWorm commented 2 years ago

Can you specify the sender? Without a valid sender, my SMTP provider gives me the error "info: email error: Error: Mail command failed: 550 not local sender over smtp"