nuclearace / Socket.IO-Client-Swift for Swift
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SocketParser Not Loading after multiple successful connections #152

Closed iJasonWade closed 2 years ago

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

So after my client connects to my server multiple times successfully all of a sudden it will no longer connect, the missing piece I see from my logs is that any logs from SocketParser are missing such as:

LOG SocketParser: Parsing 2["successful_connection",{"socketId":"********************"}]

I followed your 12 to 13 FAQ's to make sure I was following what was in there. We do not use a namespace but have a custom path that is a secure connection, here is my config:

                                     .connectParams(["auth": ""),

The manager is the only strong reference I have but this code is inside of a singleton class, not sure if that makes a difference. We also use the emit() method to subscribe to channels.

nuclearace commented 6 years ago

Not seeing socketparser logs is indicative of something blocking the handleQueue

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

Here is the queue I run it on:

let backgroundDRSQueue = .userInitiated)

Why would it work the first 3-5 times I run it and then just stop working?

nuclearace commented 6 years ago

You should only use serial queues for the client. Otherwise you’ll likely run into race issues. But I don’t know why that would block it up.

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

Ok, I will switch out my queue and test it, thanks for your help, I'll update this thread with what I find.

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

So I switched my queue to:

let backgroundDRSQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "drs_queue", qos: .utility)

However, after 2 successful connections the next time I ran my code and it went to connect I had the same issue:

Manager Status : notConnected
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: connect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: statusChange
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: error
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: corpCon-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: callhistory-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: google-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: disconnect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: statusChange with data: [connecting]
Status Changed : [connecting]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Joining namespace /
LOG SocketManager: Tried connecting socket when engine isn't open. Connecting
LOG SocketManager: Adding engine
LOG SocketEngine: Starting engine. Server: *************************
LOG SocketEngine: Handshaking
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 0{"sid":"*************************","upgrades":[],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws:  has data: false
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws:  as type: 2
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: ping with data: []
LOG SocketManager: Engine opened Connect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Socket connected
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: statusChange with data: [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: connect with data: ["/"]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] has data: false
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] has data: false
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}] has data: false
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: pong with data: []
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws:  has data: false
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: ping with data: []

The asterisks are where I had to redact some sensitive info.

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

So if I comment out the path in my manager's config and paste the path to the end of the url for the manager it obviously won't connect but I did that because once I change the code back it connects the next time, every time I do that.

Here is my successful connection, same code as when it wasn't connecting above:

Manager Status : notConnected
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: connect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: statusChange
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: error
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: corpCon-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: callhistory-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: google-*************************
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Adding handler for event: disconnect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: statusChange with data: [connecting]
Status Changed : [connecting]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Joining namespace /
LOG SocketManager: Tried connecting socket when engine isn't open. Connecting
LOG SocketManager: Adding engine
LOG SocketEngine: Starting engine. Server: *************************
LOG SocketEngine: Handshaking
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 0{"sid":"*************************","upgrades":[],"pingInterval":25000,"pingTimeout":60000}
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws:  has data: false
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws:  as type: 2
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 40
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: ping with data: []
LOG SocketManager: Engine opened Connect
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Socket connected
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: statusChange with data: [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: connect with data: ["/"]
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 42["successful_connection",{"socketId":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] has data: false
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"corpCon","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken”:”*************************”}] has data: false
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"callhistory","lastUpdate":1515013327,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketEngine: Writing ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}] has data: false
LOG SocketParser: Parsing 0
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: 2["join_room",{"type":"google","lastUpdate":0,"accessToken":"*************************"}] as type: 4
LOG SocketParser: Decoded packet as: SocketPacket {type: 0; data: []; id: -1; placeholders: 0; nsp: /}
LOG SocketParser: Parsing 2["successful_connection",{"socketId":"*************************"}]
LOG SocketParser: Decoded packet as: SocketPacket {type: 2; data: [successful_connection, {
    socketId = *************************;
}]; id: -1; placeholders: -1; nsp: /}
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: successful_connection with data: [{
    socketId = *************************;
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: pong with data: []
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 42["google-*************************",{"id":"google-*************************","user":"2410","domain":"*************************","emailAddress":"*************************","lastUpdate":1513690802,"type":"googleAccount","eventName":"google-*************************"}]
LOG SocketParser: Parsing 2["google-*************************",{"id":"google-*************************","user":"2410","domain":"*************************","emailAddress":"*************************","lastUpdate":1513690802,"type":"googleAccount","eventName":"google-*************************"}]
nuclearace commented 6 years ago

I would double check that you're using your API correctly. Because from your first log, even the engine isn't getting anything back.

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean because in the first log I can see where the engine did get something back:

SocketEngine: Got message: 42["successful_connection",{"socketId":"*************************"}]

It also gets:

LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3

And if I wasn't using it correctly then why would it connect the first 3~5 times I run it?

nuclearace commented 6 years ago

LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3 Is just a ping message, which means the client is still actually connected to the server.

I don't see the

SocketEngine: Got message: 42["successful_connection",{"socketId":"*************************"}]

in the first log.

But if you're getting ping/pong that means the actual connection is fine, but something is not right with the logic beyond that. I would double check that the server is actually receiving the messages.

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

This code was working perfectly when I was using your 11.0.0 release, I didn't face any issues until I migrated to Swift 4 and updated to your latest release

iJasonWade commented 6 years ago

@nuclearace, I have also noticed that when I call disconnect() on the manager, then connect() again when the app comes back into the background I start seeing a new message added, i.e., I ran that scenario 5 times and this is what I saw:

Status Changed : [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]
Status Changed : [connected]

That was logged out against the "statusChange" .on listener I have.

I also notice it calls my "disconnect" event 5 times when I disconnect again...

Status Changed : [disconnected]
Status Changed : [disconnected]
Status Changed : [disconnected]
Status Changed : [disconnected]
Status Changed : [disconnected]
nuclearace commented 6 years ago

@iJasonWade Hm, I'm not sure. Going to need a sample project that reproduces the issue. Or debug it yourself.