Closed sumairasaeed closed 9 years ago
I'd need more information on how you're creating the client. And is there anything special about the server?
Nothing special about server. Her is the client side code:
@IBAction func loginBtnTapped() {
//============================ Authenticate User ================
var url=Constants.MainUrl+Constants.authentictionUrl
var param:[String:String]=["username": txtForEmail.text!,"password":txtForPassword.text!]
Alamofire.request(.POST,"\(url)",parameters: param).response{
request, response, data, error in
if response?.statusCode==200
println("login success")
//======GETTING REST API TO GET CURRENT USER=======================
var userDataUrl=Constants.MainUrl+Constants.getCurrentUser
//let index: String.Index = advance(self.AuthToken.startIndex, 10)
//======================STORING Token========================
let jsonLogin = JSON(data: data!)
let token = jsonLogin["token"]
//========GET USER DETAILS===============
var getUserDataURL=userDataUrl+"?access_token="+self.AuthToken
request1, response1, data1, error1 in
if response1?.statusCode==200
{ println("got user success")
let json = JSON(data: data1!)
let socket=SocketIOClient(socketURL:"\(url)")
socket.on("connect") {data, ack in
println("socket connected")
println(socket.connected) //this prints false always
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil);
println("got user failed")
self.labelLoginUnsuccessful.text="Sorry, you are not registered"
println("login failed")
self.labelLoginUnsuccessful.text="Sorry, you are not registered"
When i write socket.connect() twice, then server prints message of CONNECTED. It does not print CONNECTED on server-side if I write socket.connect() once. And in both cases, no message of 'connected' is printed on client side.
Hm, it looks like you're calling the connect inside a callback. I wonder if it's something like the callback is called on something other than the main queue.
This function is called when a LOGIN button is tapped from main screen
Can you turn on logging for the socket?
let socket = SocketIOClient(socketURL: "blah", opts: ["log": true])
Doesn't seem to be a queue issue.
Oh wait, I just noticed in your example you have the socket declared as a local variable. This isn't what you want to do. It needs to be a property of an object, otherwise it'll be deallocated as soon as it goes out of scope.
I have just made it property of another class. And turned on logging. received following msgs on console:
got user success 2015-08-20 00:42:43.863 Chat[4841:226682] SocketClient: Adding engine 2015-08-20 00:42:43.871 Chat[4841:226682] SocketEngine: Starting engine false2015-08-20 00:42:43.872 Chat[4841:226682] SocketEngine: Handshaking
2015-08-20 00:42:43.873 Chat[4841:226682] SocketEngine: Doing polling request 2015-08-20 00:42:43.874 Chat[4841:226682] SocketClient: Adding handler for event: connect 2015-08-20 00:42:44.386 Chat[4841:226692] SocketClient: Client is being deinit 2015-08-20 00:42:44.386 Chat[4841:226692] SocketEngine: Engine is being closed. Fast: 1 2015-08-20 00:42:44.387 Chat[4841:226692] SocketEngine: Engine is being deinit
Yeah, it's being deallocated
i have made a class like this and made socket as its property:
class LoginAPI{
var socket:SocketIOClient
socket=SocketIOClient(socketURL: "")
func connect(url:String){
socket=SocketIOClient(socketURL: "\(url)",opts: ["log": true])
func getSocket()->SocketIOClient{
return self.socket
What holds onto that object? If it's on a view controller that's being dismissed there's a good chance that it will also be deallocated. You'd need to put the object somewhere persistent.
i declared it globally like this in my viewController class
class LoginViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate{ var socketObj=LoginAPI() //........
then in login button tabbed method, i coded like this
@IBAction func loginBtnTapped() {
if response1?.statusCode==200
{ println("got user success")
let json = JSON(data: data1!)
self.socketObj.socket.on("connect") {data, ack in
println("socket connected")
println(self.socketObj.socket.connected) //this prints false always
Does the LoginController get dismissed shortly after the login button is clicked?
Then it's probably getting deallocated with that viewcontroller.
Thanks lot for your help.
You are right. Will see where i can keep socket object to be persistent
@sumairasaeed Hey I'm trying to do something similar, How can I pass the socket object to a child element, I have this code
public class TestSocket: NSObject {
public var socket = SocketIOClient(socketURL: hostUrl, options: ["log": false,"connectParams": ["token":tokenSDK]])
then I inherit form TestSocket and I just want to override method
public final class TestSystemCh: TestSocket {
override public func request(messageDic: Dictionary<String, String>) -> Promise<Any> {
var dic:Dictionary<String,String> = messageDic as Dictionary
dic.updateValue("system", forKey: "channel")
let requestPromise = Promise<Any> { fulfill, reject in
var promiseDic = Dictionary<String,Any>()
promiseDic = [ "fulfill": fulfill,"reject":reject]
return requestPromise
Any body experienced this? I noticed that i connected to server when i runned this command twice:
Also I am unable to get any message from server on client side that i am connected. I have to check Server side messages to check if i am connected. i used following code on client side to check connection:
self.socketObj.socket.on("connect") {data, ack in NSLog("socket connected") } Please help