nuclearfog / Apollo-Music

Apollo Music Player App
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] F-Droid can't build #33

Closed licaon-kter closed 1 week ago

licaon-kter commented 1 week ago

as you tagged to

And F-Droid checked that and was reproducible and fine:

but today main build server tried to build and surprise: not repro

why? you've rebuild the APK in the tagged release from another commit, from

now, maybe you don't want to publish "test" releases? that's fine... but do mention that and have a consistent way that you name "test" tags so F-Droid can skip them

/LE: fyi

nuclearfog commented 1 week ago

Yes it was just a pre-release for a test. Is it possible to ignore pre-releases?

nuclearfog commented 1 week ago

I have removed the tag "1.5.4" and the release

licaon-kter commented 1 week ago

how about you name your tags as 1.5.4-test or something nice that you decide, and then we adapt the F-Droid recipe to ignore these tags?

/LE: no, we can't see "github prerelease logos" and such :)

linsui commented 1 week ago

The pre-release is a GitHub thing. We only do checkupdates on a local git repo.

nuclearfog commented 1 week ago

Ah ok then I'll be more careful for the future.

nuclearfog commented 1 week ago

I have recreated the tag "1.5.4" with the right APK file