nuclearsilo583 / zephyrus-store-preview-new-syntax

My rewritten zephyrus store
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Plans bug/my mistake #91

Open WhiteAngel4 opened 2 years ago

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago

Hi! Firstly sorry for my english :D

So when I use plans in items.txt, my shop menu is going crazy a little.

I installed a lot of items, some submenus etc. and when I removed my admin and tested like a usual player, some item's price in another category was changed to plan. But these items had fixed prices in items.txt and its just happened when I applied plans in another category for ex.: paintball or tracer.

Also I had to remove the saysound command because when I wrote it just opened a fully another item fox ex.: Cat Ears Hat, and ofc I didn't have this item, but I could sell/trade/gift it etc.

Please, if you have any advice or suggestion to fix it, let me know. I tried to rebuild the items.txt by step-by-step, but finally I always had this bug. Ofcourse here are some pics. (I put the Plans and saysound command back for screenshots)

1 2 3 4

originalaidn commented 2 years ago

In the last picture I think no problem with the plans. Only if u dont add plans to there. You removed the plans from the pets, so we don't know whats wrong. What if you press 1 to open VIP kisállatok? In the second picture we don't know whats that, maybe the gifts. The store doesn't have !hangok command.

Please edit the items.txt to add the plans after the unique-id item, etc. Need a plugin list, which plugins you using?

In HU just for help for you. Az utolsó képen szerintem nincs hiba a plans-el. Csak akkor, ha oda alapból nem írtál plans-t. Kitörölted a plans-eket a pet-ek közül, szóval nem tudjuk mi a rossz. Mi van akkor ha megnyomod az 1-est, hogy megnyomd a VIP kisállatokat? A második képen nem tudjuk mi az, talán a gifts. A storeban nincs !hangok parancs.

Próbáld meg, hogy a Plans-t az itemek végére írod, elé írod az unique-id-t, item-et, stb.. A pluginok listájáról is kellene valami, melyik storeos pluginokat használod?

nuclearsilo583 commented 2 years ago

You should try to add the item for each module one by one for debug. Only add player model in the items.txt first. If nothing is wrong continue to add the next module item and keep adding. It may time consuming but it will give out where thing goes wrong.

azalty commented 2 years ago

@WhiteAngel4 just doing my little ad

It seems you're running MyJailBreak and MyJailshop. You should consider trying my fixes 😃

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago



I tried this, it was really time consuming but I did it. First step for me is always trying solve the problems alone and when nothing can help I try asking help. So when I added and tested and added etc, everything was fine until I added the Plans tag. But I'm actually going to repeat it by changing the order of the unique_id


I downloaded MyJailbreak from shanapu. MyJailshop isn’t installed yet, because I wanted to fix this shop first (maybe it was a mistake?). But ofcourse I’ll try everything so today I will check and read yours too 😅

Thank you very much everyone for the quick replies! I will write here what happened

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago

So I disabled almost everything off except store plugins. The problem still exists. If I remove Plans from items.txt everything works normally.

  1. (2 screenshots) with the "Plans" tags in items.txt BUT just tracers and paintball have Plans! 5 6

  2. (yt video) without "Plans" tags in items.txt maybe it is a little fast but the point is that everything has fixed price if I no use Plans

So if I use static prices everything is okay. I compiled Store's items 3th August (two days ago) from here.

sm plugins list [SM] Listing 36 plugins: 01 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC 02 "Store - Bullet impact item module" (1.4) by shanapu, nuclear silo, AiDN™ 03 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 04 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC 05 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC 06 "SM First Person View Models Interface" (3.3) by Franc1sco franug, nuclear silo 07 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC 08 "MapChooser" ( by AlliedModders LLC 09 "S-Downloader" ( - Dev) by Starbish 10 "soundlib test" (0.9) by Berni 11 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC 12 "Store - Hats Module [No ThirdPerson Plugin]" (1.3) by nuclear silo 13 "AbNeR Round End Sounds" (4.0.1) by abnerfs 14 "Store - Tracers Module" (1.3) by nuclear silo, AiDN™ 15 "Store - The Resurrection with preview rewritten compilable with SM 1.10 new syntax" (7.0.3) by Zephyrus, nuclear silo, AiDN™ 16 "Store - Player Skin Module (No ZR + ZR, gloves support)" (2.0) by nuclear silo, AiDN™ 17 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC 18 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC 19 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC 20 "Store - Pet item module" (1.6) by nuclear silo, AiDN™ 21 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 22 "Thirdperson Mode" (1.0) by Zephyrus 23 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC 24 "-N- Arms Fix" (2.0.3) by NomisCZ (-N-) 25 "Parachute for Zephyrus Store" (1.2) by shanapu 26 "CS:GO Skins Chooser" (1.2.4) by Root 27 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 28 "Chat-Processor" (2.2.1) by Drixevel 29 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC 30 "Rock The Vote" ( by AlliedModders LLC 31 "Store - Sound item module" (1.3) by shanapu, nuclear silo 32 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC 33 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC 34 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC 35 "AFK Manager" (4.3.0) by Rothgar 36 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC

Nevertheless I will keep in mind your MyJailbreak and MyJailshop @azalty just firstly I'd like to fix ZephStore and maybe find a method for weapon models wich works with ZephStore.

Oh and I changed back the saysound shortcut to the originally "saysound" command so let me show another screenshot. (disabled the store-trade and gift plugins that's why you don't see these options but a hat item's menu still showing for no reason) 7

Thank your for taking the time to answer me!

nuclearsilo583 commented 2 years ago

If you don't mind please compress all the resource file (materials, models, sound) of your server and your currently bugged items.txt via google drive for me for a test. Because sometime ppl send me issue where the bug they got but I have no problem when testing by myself.

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago

nuclearsilo583 commented 2 years ago

Hi, with the resources and items.txt you gave me. I installed them on a vanila server with fresh install of my store and I don't see any problem with the plan and normal item. Here is video that i used your items.txt: And my installed modules/store with fresh install: Try to reinstall the core with module and restart your server.

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago


I fully reinstalled my server for trying. Problems still exists.. I'll upload a video from installing, compiling and testing as soon. I saw your installed modules, some modules was previously version, I have the latest ones.

WhiteAngel4 commented 2 years ago

sm plugins list: video:

nuclearsilo583 commented 2 years ago

Sorry for this bug make you cant use the plugin properly. Please add me on Discord for better conversation. My discord Id: nuclear silo#5972