(used in a few places) is a backport of new the Fragment APIs added in Android version 11. It's a way to use the fragment APIs on very old Android versions (Gingerbread and below).
Using the fragment APIs from the support library makes it difficult for new apps using to use material-dialogs and other modules, discussion here:
React Native itself requires API 16+ (depends on the Choreographer API) so supporting Gingerbread (API 10) and below is not possible with React Native apps in any case.
I don't think there's a reason to the APIs from the support library (, FragmentActivity etc.) in new apps?
(used in a few places) is a backport of new the Fragment APIs added in Android version 11. It's a way to use the fragment APIs on very old Android versions (Gingerbread and below).React Native has been using the "new"
since the first release: the fragment APIs from the support library makes it difficult for new apps using
to use material-dialogs and other modules, discussion here: Native itself requires API 16+ (depends on the Choreographer API) so supporting Gingerbread (API 10) and below is not possible with React Native apps in any case.
I don't think there's a reason to the APIs from the support library (
etc.) in new apps?