nucypher / nucypher-contracts

Ethereum contracts supporting TACo applications on the Threshold Network.
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Per-encryptor fee model rules #274

Closed arjunhassard closed 1 week ago

arjunhassard commented 3 months ago

Adjustable parameters are denoted by x and will vary on a per-adopter and per-partner basis.

Node rental ('base fee') $x / node / day Base fee increases by 5% per year

Encryptor credit ('user fee') $x per encryptor credit per year. Note that encrypting privileges can be added and removed from addresses at will, without charge, provided the sponsor has pre-paid for sufficient credits and there are slots available.

There is no charge, payment gate or limit on:

Payment rules

Grace periods – see

Summary: If fees are not paid ahead of renewal, the service will enter into the first of two grace periods (each 3 months). In the first grace period, existing end-users will not be affected, but it will not be possible to add new users. In the second grace period, nothing will work for end-users, but the ritual remains recoverable if the sponsor (or another sponsor) steps in and pays the fees. If the second grace period lapses with no payment, the cohort will irreversibly disband and data will not be retrievable.

If either fee is not paid by the renewal date, the following will occur:

arjunhassard commented 1 week ago

Finalized rules for first paid dual-fee subscription contract

Adjustable parameters are denoted by x and will vary on a per-adopter and per-partner basis.

Fee Types

Node rental ('base fee') $x / node / day Base fee increases by 5% per year

Encryptor credit ('user fee') $x per encryptor credit per year. Note that encrypting privileges can be added and removed from addresses at will, without charge, provided the sponsor has pre-paid for sufficient credits and there are slots available.

There is no charge, payment gate or limit on:

Payment Terms

If either fee is not paid by the renewal date, the following will occur: