nucypher / nucypher-ops

GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 8 forks source link

No IP address display - Partial "Helpful hints" displayed after deployment #8

Open KPrasch opened 2 years ago

KPrasch commented 2 years ago

After running nucypher-ops nodes create a new host is successfully provisioned but get_all_hosts() returns an empty list so no IP addresses are displayed. This requires the user to run additional commands to continue with subsequent node setup steps (bonding etc.)



Package               Version     Editable project location
--------------------- ----------- -------------------------
ansible               5.6.0
ansible-core          2.12.4
appdirs               1.4.4
asttokens             2.0.5
backcall              0.2.0
base58                2.1.1
certifi               2021.10.8
cffi                  1.15.0
charset-normalizer    2.0.12
click                 8.1.2
colorama              0.4.4
cryptography          36.0.2
dateparser            1.1.1
decorator             5.1.1
ecdsa                 0.17.0
executing             0.8.3
hdwallet              2.1.1
humanize              4.0.0
idna                  3.3
ipdb                  0.13.9
ipython               8.3.0
jedi                  0.18.1
Jinja2                3.1.1
Mako                  1.2.0
MarkupSafe            2.1.1
matplotlib-inline     0.1.3
maya                  0.6.1
mnemonic              0.20
nucypher-ops          0.5.0       /home/k/Git/nucypher-ops
packaging             21.3
parso                 0.8.3
pendulum              2.1.2
pexpect               4.8.0
pickleshare           0.7.5
pip                   22.0.4
prompt-toolkit        3.0.29
ptyprocess            0.7.0
pure-eval             0.2.2
pycparser             2.21
Pygments              2.12.0
pyparsing             3.0.8
pysha3                1.0.2
python-dateutil       2.8.2
pytz                  2022.1
pytz-deprecation-shim 0.1.0.post0
pytzdata              2020.1
PyYAML                6.0
regex                 2022.3.2
requests              2.27.1
resolvelib            0.5.4
setuptools            61.0.0
simple-term-menu      1.4.1
six                   1.16.0
snaptime              0.2.4
stack-data            0.2.0
toml                  0.10.2
traitlets             5.1.1
tzdata                2022.1
tzlocal               4.2
urllib3               1.26.9
wcwidth               0.2.5
wheel                 0.37.1