After Alice has successfully recruited a cohort and deployed conditions, she may separately want to authorize Enrico's involvement, or to update those conditions (if we provide that functionality).
For this, she'll need a separate secret from the one she uses for cold activities (#160 ).
This secret in particular may present a challenge in creating a balance where, on one hand, adopters can make easy and obvious tools for their users to add and subtract devices and payload sources, but, on the other hand, can't accidentally disclose the secret in the course of, for example, routine logging.
...or possibly we just fully learn on the wallet for this purpose.
After Alice has successfully recruited a cohort and deployed conditions, she may separately want to authorize Enrico's involvement, or to update those conditions (if we provide that functionality).
For this, she'll need a separate secret from the one she uses for cold activities (#160 ).
This secret in particular may present a challenge in creating a balance where, on one hand, adopters can make easy and obvious tools for their users to add and subtract devices and payload sources, but, on the other hand, can't accidentally disclose the secret in the course of, for example, routine logging.
...or possibly we just fully learn on the wallet for this purpose.