nuecho / rivr

Rivr is a lightweight open-source dialogue engine enabling Java developers to easily create enterprise-grade VoiceXML applications.
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mavenCentral is not supported in Gradle 5.3 or latest #9

Closed sgana123 closed 5 years ago

sgana123 commented 5 years ago

Hi - mavenCentral pom tags are not recognized in Gradle latest version. Could you please guide on How to substitute with? maven { url = ""

Files: rivr-master\ rivr-master\build.gradle rivr-master\rivr-voicexml-dialogue-runner\build.gradle

repositories { mavenCentral() } repositories { mavenCentral{ pom.project{ packaging 'jar' } } } repositories { mavenCentral { pom.project { packaging 'war' } } }

mavenDeployer(name: 'mavenCentral')

gawi commented 5 years ago

Confirmed using Gradle 5.3.

We are using an archaic technique to produce and publish the Maven artifacts. I will use the maven-publishGradle plugin to fix those issues.

In the mean time, I recommend using the Gradle wrapper provided with the source.

gawi commented 5 years ago

I have fixed the problem and kept the 'maven' plugin. This is now published to master and 1.0-fix. Gradle wrapper is configured to use Gradle 5.3.