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Optimize blog article `Tailwind vs. Semantic CSS` #56

Closed mariohamann closed 6 months ago

mariohamann commented 6 months ago

Hi there,

your article on Tailwind vs. Semantic CSS currently gets some traction.

  1. I felt the urge to have a deeper look into it, as you stated it as a "study [that] compares two websites with identical design". I think there are several problems, as the websites clearly don't have an identical design and therefore this comparison lacks validity, see my blog article:
  2. You're claiming that you don't need JS tooling in the Semantic version, but don't call out, that you're using nuemark which is a JS library, isn't it?

I would love to see either the article more nuanced or the website being a more exact copy of the original.

Thanks! :)

tipiirai commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the article @mariohamann! I see your point. What if I replace the word "identical" with "close enough design to getting the idea of the differences" <-- very bad wording right there, but something like that.

The tooling refers to CSS tooling. Standard CSS needs no processing so any CSS-in-JS layer in between (like Tailwind) can be dropped.

AleksandrZhukov commented 6 months ago

I'm not a fan of Tailwind, but don't like when people manipulate information in their advertisements

Responsiveness of Semantic CSS blog version is terrible, video ↓ Please make it really close to Tailwind version. Nue might be a cool thing, but don't lie to your potential users

tipiirai commented 6 months ago

Thanks! Curious: what sort of concerns do you have about the marketing strategies of the Tailwind team?

tipiirai commented 6 months ago

I have now changed the wording from "identical design" to "similar design". And instead of saying "8 times smaller", its now "several times smaller" and I added one clarifying sentence in there: "While the design is not identical, but it's easy to see the ballpark figure in there. Tailwind- generated sites are multiple times larger"