nuggslet / MGSM2Fix

A fix that adds custom resolutions, analog input, pixel perfect scaling and more to the original Metal Gear Solid within the Master Collection.
MIT License
191 stars 2 forks source link

[Bug]: scaled not working MGS1 pixele... #33

Open zerr10 opened 3 weeks ago

zerr10 commented 3 weeks ago

v.2.0.0 windows 11 pro

RTX 4070 Ti Super Ryzen 9 ZEN 5 4,4ghz

why this not working i put all files on folder game mgs 1 and nothing not scale resolution on full screen

Bez tytułu

zerr10 commented 3 weeks ago

;;;;;;;;;; General ;;;;;;;;;;

[External Resolution] ; Enter your chosen resolution. ; You can leave these at 0 if you want your desktop resolution used instead. Enabled = true Width = 0 Height = 0 Windowed = false Borderless = false

[Internal Resolution] ; MGS1 only: Enables render resolution scaling. ; Width is controlled using the in-game settings. Leave the height at 0 to use the external resolution. Enabled = false Height = 0 Widescreen = false

[Launcher] ; Skips the warnings / logos on start. SkipNotice = true ; MGS1 only: Starts the game directly with the previously saved settings and game version. ; You can change those options by going back to the main menu via the pause menu. StartGame = false

[Patches] ; MGS1 only: Reverts the Master Collection texture swap for Johnny's underpants. RemoveUnderpants = true ; MGS1 only: Restores the mosaic blur effect on Johnny from original western releases. EnableMosaic = true ; MGS1 only: Reverts the Master Collection texture swaps for ghost exorcism. RestoreGhosts = true ; MGS1 only: Reverts the Master Collection texture swaps for medicine items. RestoreMedicine = true

; MGS1 only: Advanced option, master toggle for all RAM patches. DisableRAM = false ; MGS1 only: Advanced option, master toggle for all CD-ROM patches. DisableCDROM = false

[Game] ; MGS1 only: Enables the in-game developer menu (stage select). ; When enabled, the menu starts up in place of the title screen. ; Selecting 'title' on the menu will load the title screen as normal. StageSelect = false

;;;;;;;;;; Developer ;;;;;;;;;;

[Squirrel Debugger] ; Injects SQDbg into the Squirrel VM. ; Advanced option, leave it disabled if you just want to play the game. Enabled = false Port = 27615 AutoUpdate = true Exclusive = false

[Tracing] ; Enables tracing of Squirrel scripts to the log file. Level = 0 ; Enables tracing of Squirrel native calls to the log file. NativeLevel = 0 ; Enables tracing of spammy emulator hooks to the log file. EmulatorLevel = 0

put all files from MGSM2Fix on folder game and not working

zerr10 commented 3 weeks ago

next screen option i dont know not woking pls help Bez tytułu 2

zerr10 commented 3 weeks ago

i see scale only menu but game not

zerr10 commented 3 weeks ago

is version 2.0.0 will anyone help? i have windows 11 pro

forerunnerchief commented 2 weeks ago

@zerr10 Not sure if you already figured it out, but you need to enable Internal Resolution.

[Internal Resolution]
; MGS1 only: Enables render resolution scaling.
; Width is controlled using the in-game settings. Leave the height at 0 to use the external resolution.
Enabled = true

If it doesn't set it to your native resolution automatically, try setting your resolution manually under External Resolution.