nukemberg / 15m-ops-break

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Networking in the cloud & k8s era/space #31

Open hilafish opened 3 years ago

hilafish commented 3 years ago


Would love it if you could create an episode about networking in the cloud - debugging, useful tools, and how it differs from "old times". Also, networking in k8s - how it works, what to do/try when defining IP masquerade is not enough, and how the hell to debug stuff when containers are running alpine and no root so you don't have any curl/telnet/ping and other useful commands in the container and you can't install it either.

nukemberg commented 3 years ago

yeh that's a good one, but lots of ground to cover. thinking out loud, maybe do a series:

  1. modern networking intro - architecture, etc
  2. NAT
  3. Routed floating IPs
  4. overlay networks and meshes Other than that an episode about attaching a debugging container to a pod. so 5 episodes total. wdyt?
hilafish commented 3 years ago

These 5 episodes sound great, just two more things:

nukemberg commented 3 years ago

"DNS peering" is a GCP specific concept afaict. Probably better to cover DNS forwarding and K8s DNS in general. TBH I'm going to give anything which is K8s specific lower priority because: a. I fucking hate K8s, b. I want to concentrate on general things as they have more impact. But if I have time, sure.

hilafish commented 3 years ago

Fair enough :)