nukeop / nuclear

Streaming music player that finds free music for you
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
11.72k stars 1.02k forks source link

WebNowPlaying or NowPlaying Plugin Request #1539

Open rickyrooroo229 opened 5 months ago

rickyrooroo229 commented 5 months ago

I use Rainmeter and there's no way to detect Nuclear's music on any player skins I own. Is there a way to implement this plugin myself or can you guys update Nuclear to have these plugins implemented on Nuclear?

nukeop commented 5 months ago

I just checked and it looks like Rainmeter is Windows only, so I won't be able to develop for it. You might be able to use the REST API to get what you want. If anyone else wants to develop this, I'll be open to working on a PR.

CarlosBor commented 2 weeks ago

I was hoping that it had something to do with how Windows recognizes media players, but it seems to me that it would require work on the Rainmeter side of things instead. as a matter of fact the list of supported players can be found in the documentation:

Either way, it seems like it could be made to work like Spotify does, which involves using

nukeop commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for checking this. So Spotify includes a Rainmeter integration?

Looking at the repo you linked, it'd need to be a native lib, which uses .NET, which would be complicated to say the least (unless a prebuilt binary can be included). I looked for Node integrations but there's nothing on npm. That makes it less likely to be developed.