nukeykt / NBlood

Reverse-engineered ports of Build games using EDuke32 engine technology and development principles (NBlood/Rednukem/PCExhumed)
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[Blood] Add -s# command line parameter #818

Closed fgsfds closed 3 months ago

fgsfds commented 3 months ago

There doesn't seem to be a cmd parameter to launch Blood with selected skill level, like -s# in Duke/RR.

tmyqlfpir commented 3 months ago

There is a command that fits your description, called -skill. However this is overwritten when using the in-game start menu.

fgsfds commented 3 months ago

You sure about that? It says NOT difficulty level and it doesn't seem to affect skill level.


tmyqlfpir commented 3 months ago

You're right, that sets the overall player damage, not the enemy skill or the spawn quantity.

Edit: Added feature to PR #816