nukeykt / Nuked-OPN2

Cycle-accurate Yamaha YM3438(YM2612) emulator
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
214 stars 15 forks source link

Rename "ym3438_t->slot" field into anything to avoid possible conflicts with Qt applications #1

Closed Wohlstand closed 6 years ago

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Because Qt declares a dummy "slot" macro, all "slot" variables are becoming as nothing (and compiler fails to build this code). I got this trouble in the OPL3 Bank Editor while I worked on embedding of Nuked OPL3 emulator.

When I'll return to home, I'll post the pull request where I will rename that by myself (by using of embedded Qt Creator's refactoring features).

loki666 commented 6 years ago

Just build this file out of Qt

Wohlstand commented 6 years ago

Sorry for a delay, I just now sent a pull-request which fixes this issue.

Just build this file out of Qt

...and produce extra proxy workaround for this 😛. Unlike a buggy proprietary Chinese binary SDKs for various surveillance cameras at my job, it's a free and open-source project where everyone is able to make the true fix rather implementing extra proxies over current stuff without modifying of it.