nukeykt / Nuked-SC55

Roland SC-55 series emulation
285 stars 33 forks source link

JV880 support #35

Closed giulioz closed 2 months ago

giulioz commented 2 months ago

Currently only shows the intro animation

Grieferus commented 2 months ago

It's not SC-55-related synth, so cast it out for now.

giulioz commented 2 months ago

What do you mean? It has exactly the same architecture. It's possible to support it with minimal changes, but if it's off-topic for this project I think it's up for the original author to decide.

zaphod77 commented 2 months ago

jv-880 i believe has hardware similar to sc-880, or is it the other way around?

so i wouldn't expect to get much further.

giulioz commented 2 months ago

@zaphod77 it's not, it has the exact same PCM chip You can verify it here: Compare the difference with the SC55:

Grieferus commented 2 months ago

Still, while the CPU is the same, the waveform ROMs are pretty much obscure for us. Besides, this emulator is for SC-55-based synthesizers, not JV (Unless it's JV-30, which is basically SC-55 with keyboard) or laters Sound Canvas modules.

giulioz commented 2 months ago

I've just dumped the waveform ROMs and they use exactly the same format. The JV880 is an SC-55 based synthesizer.

pachuco commented 2 months ago

I don't know. The familly is expanding in cool and unexpected directions.

nukeykt commented 2 months ago

JV 880 use same CPU and PCM chip, so it fits the project scope IMO

Grieferus commented 2 months ago

Okay, our Lord and Saviour has spoken, so I must comply!

zaphod77 commented 2 months ago

wow. roland does love to make things confusing, don't they.

so all the magic really is in that pcm chip?

guess that's why it 's so affordable.

jv-30 as well seems to use the same cpu (H8/532), and its' a sc-55 with a keyboard essentially, with user patch support.

nukeykt commented 2 months ago

MCU firmware is what makes SC-55, well, a SC-55. MCU firmware does all midi processing, PCM chip voices management, pitch calculaions/LFOs, envelope/filter control, UI/LCD/buttons and whatnot. PCM chip on other hand is rompler with fixed-function effects (sample interpolation, amplitude, filter, chorus/reverb) and envelope interpolators.

michael02022 commented 2 months ago

I have to remind the JV-880 supports Expansion Boards, is it possible to load them with this variant? That would be rad ngl (yes, there is ROM dumps of these boards iirc)

giulioz commented 2 months ago

To support expansion boards it should be sufficient to just append them at the end of the waveform rom, so definitely possible

giulioz commented 2 months ago Demo songs play now!

Axis4s commented 2 months ago

🎊 wishing both this new 880 and sc55 emu get VSTi versions eventually so they can more easily be integrated with audio software that has VSTi support

Axis4s commented 2 months ago

also whats the original filenames for the 880 firmware? before i have to rename them to work with the 880 emu mode

giulioz commented 2 months ago

Expansion cards are now working as well:

giulioz commented 2 months ago

Also updated the readme adding the keymapping and rom info

nukeykt commented 2 months ago
