nukeykt / Nuked-SC55

Roland SC-55 series emulation
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how to reduce latency? #77

Open coolkids94 opened 1 month ago

coolkids94 commented 1 month ago

how do i reduce latency? i see that there is launch switches for audio buffering and audio output but i dont know how to use them

pachuco commented 1 month ago

I think it was -ab:BUFSIZE:NUMBUFS. Default being -ab:512:32

Karmeck commented 1 month ago

I think this link will work. It searches the vogons thread for the word buffer. How to use it and how it affects latency is mentions among the results

The thread in question :

AndyGraewe commented 1 month ago

Currently the latency is to high to use it as an instrument (MIDI keyboard connected), even if I start it with -ab 1:1. For games it might be ok. But the latency is higher then any vst/au plugin on my M1 Macbook (which I normaly run with something between 128 and 512 buffer size). Even if I start with -ab 1:1 it feels more like a buffer size of 2048 or even higher compared to vst/au plugins in a DAW context.

markanini commented 4 weeks ago

Perhaps you can reach out to


he demoed his work on an AU version a while back.

giulioz commented 4 weeks ago

@AndyGraewe I think that at least on windows there is a minimum latency you can remove even by changing the buffer size, due to how windows audio driver work. The solution would be to use ASIO drivers instead, which could be easy enough to implement. I could try it if people are interested.

markanini commented 4 weeks ago

@AndyGraewe I think that at least on windows there is a minimum latency you can remove even by changing the buffer size, due to how windows audio driver work. The solution would be to use ASIO drivers instead, which could be easy enough to implement. I could try it if people are interested.

I would gladly help with testing, but my system is Windows if it helps with an Asio interface and a midi keyboard.

giulioz commented 3 weeks ago

@markanini started working on it on this branch: Still WIP but going to continue soon