nukeykt / Nuked-SC55

Roland SC-55 series emulation
341 stars 34 forks source link

Instruments stopped working #87

Open steviator opened 1 month ago

steviator commented 1 month ago

Installed Nuked-SC55, it was working fine, but stopped selecting presets and uses the piano for all instruments no matter what I do. This happened for no apparent reason about the third time I used it, after changing nothing.

Since there don't appear to be any settings and all my other midi devices work fine, (have tried literally about 20 different devices, including real SC-55 devices) literally nothing else has this problem, nor have I ever seen it before. This is 100% a nuked-sc55 issue, without any doubt.

It's almost as if there's a secret settings file somewhere that has junk stored in it, but surely no developer would be that much of a c*nt to their users...

nukeykt commented 1 month ago

what firmware do you use? did you try Init All option? some firmware versions don't properly reset on boot. and no, nuked-sc55 don't use any settings file at this point