null-burn / nginx-proxy-manager-goaccess

NGINX Proxy Manager and Goaccess docker file
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Some odd issues (or not) #3

Open mattish91 opened 2 months ago

mattish91 commented 2 months ago

Followed parts of this as i figured i might be able to apply this to my already setup NPM, how ever the logs are not written the way your NPM is.

Maybe you could give me some input on what the log readings should look like?

For now i have made a sample domain that is accepting 443 requests trough my NPM proxy on a separate access.log file (default.log)

But in the goaccess dashboard all logs get logged as "Failed Requests" as the output from NPM doesn't match the input of goaccess.

NPM jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest

log output example:

[24/Apr/2024:20:28:54 +0000] - 200 200 - GET https "/v1/users/current/custom/link" [Client] [Length 500] [Gzip -] [Sent-to] "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/" ""

Any suggestions as to what the goaccess.conf log_format should look like?

mattish91 commented 2 months ago

Solved it (kind of)

My log-format was supposed to be written like this to match my example: log-format [%d:%t %^] - %s %^ - %m %^ %v "%U" [Client %h] [Length %b] [Gzip %^] [Sent-to %^] "%u" "%R"

How ever, i also realtized that my actual log that im supposed to read from was not at all written like that xD

So im back to square one xD