nulli0n / SkillMeUp-spigot

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XP For the swords #1

Open noaskers opened 6 months ago

noaskers commented 6 months ago


With hostile mobs does not work Right now people can just level up sword by spam clicking, I want to change it so they can only get xp for killing mobs instead of swining the sword

Right now they can also just hit an armour stand to get xp wich is not really meant to be

I tried this with the: ENTITY_KILL

But it only works with PASSIVE mobs and it does not work with HOSTILE MOBS

nulli0n commented 6 months ago

You have to provide mob names when using ENTITY_KILL setting. Could you show your swords config?

noaskers commented 6 months ago
    Name: Kill Monsters
    - '#aefd5e✔#d4d9d8 Zombie'
    - '#aefd5e✔#d4d9d8 Creeper'
    - '#aefd5e✔#d4d9d8 Skeleton'
    - '#aefd5e✔#d4d9d8 Blaze'
      Material: IRON_SWORD
      Head_Texture: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmVlODUxNDg5MmYzZDc4YTMyZTg0NTZmY2JiOGM2MDgxZTIxYjI0NmQ4MmYzOThiZDk2OWZlYzE5ZDNjMjdiMyJ9fX0=
    - zombie
    - creeper
    - skeleton
    - blaze
      Min: 3
      Max: 5
      Chance: 100.0