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Total cash earned reset, even when importing from backup #89

Open jordanspringer opened 10 years ago

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

Here is backup file you requested in Twitter:


nullism commented 10 years ago

Thanks for posting. I have a couple of ideas about what could be causing it.

It appears that the value is just so large that converting it isn't working. I'm working on a fix.

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

Thanks for looking into it. Raising this number higher really is the only incentive I have to continue playing, since I've got everything else. I'm trying reach personal achievements such as hitting 1 sextillion for example.

Aesgarth commented 10 years ago

This has also happened to me, along with losing the ~8.4Qt cash i had before the update :(

export: 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

skitchmcgee commented 10 years ago

I've narrowed this bug down to the problem happening when the Cash Money crosses over from 2Qt to 3Qt.

At 2Qt (when restoring the backup works as expected), the first line of the backup reads: eyJzdiI6eyJjIjoiMjdjams2bThnNGVkODAiLCJjcyI6IjFtNjBpaGY0MzAxa2w4IiwidyI6IjdpNWduMzlmNzNuMCIsImNsIjoiYzE6MXxjMjo2fGMzOjJ8YzQ6MXxjNToyfGM2OjN8Yzc6MnxjOD

At 3Qt (where the backup fails and starts the money over from 0) the first line reads: eyJzdiI6eyJjIjoiMy5lMG04MWNsNG43Y2soZSsxMykiLCJjcyI6IjIubmw4bGVjYmU1OWptKGUrMTMpIiwidyI6ImFmaDIwZWVsZGJjayIsImNsIjoiYzE6MXxjMjo2fGMzOjJ8YzQ6MXxjNToyfGM2OjN8Yzc6MnxjOD

The section that has to do with Cash Money (I think) is the problem: With 2Qt: jdjams2bThnNGVkODA With 3Qt: y5lMG04MWNsNG43Y2soZSsxMyk

If I paste in the 2Qt money section into a 3Qt backup then my money returns to 2Qt.

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

What skitchmcgee says makes perfect sense. It always happens between 2-3Qt for total cash earned and cash money. It is very frustrating because if I have more than 2-3Qt cash money, I lose it when I refresh, and I can no longer build up total cash earned. I had it at 25Qt and it reset.

nullism commented 10 years ago

Can you guys tell me what browser and OS you're using?

It appears that Math.round() or int.toString() is behaving differently on some systems, and I'm not sure why. If I knew the OS/Browser, I could narrow it down.

Thanks - sorry this is happening!

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

I am mainly using IE11 on Windows 8.1, although I am also using the latest version of Chrome on Windows 8.1 and I believe the same thing happens. I can verify that later for you.

skitchmcgee commented 10 years ago

I've seen this happen on two systems: Windows 7x64 and Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57 m Windows 7x64 and IE9 Version 9.0.8112.16421

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

I noticed (simply by refreshing the page every so often) that it started resetting my cash money somewhere between 2.2 and 2.7Qt. Using IE 11, on Windows 8.1 x64. I was able to replicate the same problem using Chrome 31.

jordanspringer commented 10 years ago

Just tested further. It resets when the value reaches higher than 2.305Qt - 2.306Qt

Aesgarth commented 10 years ago

IE9 and Vista.

This is getting frustrating - just lost another 10Qt (about 2 days)