nullpainter / sanchez

False-colour geostationary satellite image compositor
Apache License 2.0
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On Home Wiki Page #55

Open creinemann opened 3 years ago

creinemann commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug

Not a bug technically...

To make it easier for myself to reference the list of Common arguments on the wiki page I alphabetized them. And I discovered there are two duplicate arguments with different options:

-O, --hazeopacity (Default: 0.9) Opacity of haze; valid values are between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)

-O, --overlay Path to optional overlay file

Alphabetized list:

-b, --brightness (Default: 1) Brightness adjustment
-c, --clut Apply CLUT to IR image for intensity range; e.g. 0.0-1.0
-D, --definitions Path to custom satellite definitions
-d, --tolerance (Default: 30) Time tolerance in minutes in identifying suitable satellite images when combining
-e, --endtimestamp End timestamp in UTC if stitching multiple files; e.g. 2020-12-20T23:00:30
-f, --force (Default: false) Force overwrite existing output file
-g, --gradient Path to gradient configuration
-g, --gradient Path to gradient configuration
-h, --haze (Default: 0.2) Amount of haze to apply to image; valid values are between 0 (no haze) and 1 (full haze)
-i, --interpolation (Default: B) Interpolation type. Valid values are N (nearest neighbour), B (bilinear)
-I, --interval Time interval in minutes between images when stitching
-L, --noadjustlevels (Default: false) Don't perform histogram equalisation on satellite imagery
-m, --minsatellites Minimum number of satellites in images when stitching
-O, --hazeopacity (Default: 0.9) Opacity of haze; valid values are between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque)
-o, --output Required. Path to output file or folder
-O, --overlay Path to optional overlay file
-q, --quiet (Default: false) Don't perform console output
-r, --resolution (Default: 4) Output spatial resolution in km; valid values are 1, 2 or 4
-S, --saturation (Default: 0.7) Saturation adjustment
-s, --source Required. Path to IR satellite image(s)
-T, --timestamp Target timestamp in UTC if stitching multiple files; e.g. 2020-12-20T23:00:30
-t, --tint (Default: 1b3f66) Tint to apply to satellite image
-U, --nounderlay If no underlay should be rendered
-u, --underlay Path to full-colour equirectangular underlay image
-v, --verbose (Default: false) Verbose console output
--version Display version information.
--help Display this help screen.

nullpainter commented 3 years ago

Thanks Carl! Great idea. The command line parsing library I'm using should be alphabetising already, by isn't doing a very good job of it. Will see if I can update both. Appreciated.

PS. The -O (overlay) option doesn't exist any more, so I have removed.