Let's sudo by face recognition of Windows Hello on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It runs on both WSL 1 and WSL 2. This is a PAM module for Linux on WSL.
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Error 0x8028008B - TPM 2.0: The Handle is not correct for the use. #21
I had a weird error today happening once, not before and not again afterwards.
I got the Windows Hello prompt, I confirmed with fingerprint, and then WindowsHelloAuthenticator crashed:
david@CHE-X1:~ $ sudo apt install --only-upgrade httpie
Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.AggregateException: Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. ---> System.Exception: TPM 2.0: Das Handle ist für die Verwendungsweise nicht korrekt. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8028008B)
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
bei System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
bei WindowsHelloAuthenticator.Program.<VerifyUser>d__9.MoveNext() in C:\Users\abctk\Dropbox\develop\rust\wsl_hello_pam\win_components\WindowsHelloAuthenticator\WindowsHelloAuthenticator\Program.cs:Zeile 71.
--- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelüberwachung ---
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification)
bei System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
bei WindowsHelloAuthenticator.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\abctk\Dropbox\develop\rust\wsl_hello_pam\win_components\WindowsHelloAuthenticator\WindowsHelloAuthenticator\Program.cs:Zeile 94.
The error message is German for TPM 2.0: The Handle is not correct for the use. (TPM_20_E_HANDLE)
I had a weird error today happening once, not before and not again afterwards.
I got the Windows Hello prompt, I confirmed with fingerprint, and then WindowsHelloAuthenticator crashed:
The error message is German for
TPM 2.0: The Handle is not correct for the use.
)Windows version 19042.867