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学术英语 #2

Closed nullskymc closed 7 months ago

nullskymc commented 9 months ago


Acrylamide is made by something called the Maillard reaction , which browns cooked foods and gives them their pleasing flavor.


This chemical is used in lots of industrial processes, including water purification, and to separate DNA molecules in experiments.


Particularly high levels of acrylamide are found in starchy foods , like potatoes and bread, when cooked at temperatures over 120℃.


Now growers are looking to develop varieties that contain less asparagine, an amino acid that seems to be important for making the chemical.


The celebrated Mediterranean diet is celebrated for a reason, with study after study showing that its focus on fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil is linked to a longer life.


A 2015 study of 450,000 European adults found those who ate a diet that was 70% plant-based —fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and beans—had a 20% lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease than other people.


In the U.S., nearly 28 million people have Type 2 diabetes, 86 million adults are prediabetic, roughly 1 in 3 adults suffers from high blood pressure, and a stunning 69% of adults are overweight.



Learning something new can be a form of problem solving: digging into an article about something unusual or asking a family member about her obscure doctoral thesis (and actually listening to the answer) requires you to exercise cognitive muscles that may have gone slack.


“Our research has shown that when more-positive beliefs about older individuals are held earlier in life, they can lead to health advantages,” says Becca Levy, an associate professor of epidemiology and psychology at the Yale School of Public Health.That, in turn, can mean a remarkable 7.5-year boost in life span compared with people who have negative beliefs about age.



There’s no question that cellphones are part of the social fabric in many parts of the world, and some people spend hours each day on their phones.


Addictions are pathological conditions in which people compulsively seek rewarding stimuli, despite the negative consequences.


We then conducted an online survey to over 750 undergraduate students.


In fact, in one study, when people were presented with stressful tasks in four different situations — alone, with their spouse, with their pet, or with both their spouse and their pet — they experienced the lowest stress response and the quickest recovery in the situation where they were only with their pet.


Indeed, multiple studies indicate that pets are powerful forms of stress relief, lowering not only blood pressure but also harmful stress hormones like cortisol, which is associated with depression and anxiety, and elevating beneficial ones like oxytocin, which is linked to happiness and relaxation.



Not only can pets be an integral member of a person’s social network, but they can help extend that network in other ways as well.



摘要: 现在全球变暖已经成为多年来的全球问题。然而,过去几年来全球变暖最突出的影响体现在气候变化上。全球变暖的主要原因是不断地燃烧化石燃料,这种燃烧会向大气中释放二氧化碳。在全世界,不同国家一直在努力防止或减缓全球变暖的过程。这个问题影响到自然、人和经济。科学家们直接把疾病和全球变暖联系起来,当人们努力让其他人参与到这项事业中,出现的一个共同问题是缺乏动力。总之,世界需要付出更大的努力以防止全球变暖。减缓全球变暖,我们应该从自己做起,从身边的小事做起。


Abstract: Global warming has been a global issue for many years now. However, the most prominent effect of global warming exists in the climate change over the past years. The leading cause of global warming is the ongoing burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Throughout the world, various nations have been helping prevent or slow the process of global warming. The issue of global warming affects nature, people, and the economy. Scientists directly link disease to global warming. When people are trying to get others involved in the cause, a common problem that arises is the lack of motivation. In conclusion, the world needs to put forth a stronger effect to prevent global warming. To mitigate global warming, we should do from ourselves, from the little things around.

Key words: global warming, climate change, effect

Sample 2: 摘要:随着全球经济一体化对国际化人才的需求迅速增长,跨文化交际能力成为高校人才培养的主旋律。本文从国际化视角出发,以培养社会急需的应用型人才为目标,把语言知识传授、语言运用能力与跨文化交际能力培养融为一体,优化跨文化交际能力培养模式,提升大学英语教学质量,进一步增强应用型人才的国际竞争力。


Abstract: With the rapid growth of global economic integration in the demand for internationalized talents, intercultural communication competence has become the main theme of talents cultivation in higher education. From the perspective of internationalization, aiming at cultivating the application-oriented talents urgently needed by the society, this paper integrates language knowledge imparting, language application ability and intercultural communication ability training, optimizes the training mode of intercultural communication ability, improves the quality of College English teaching, and further strengthens the international competitiveness of application-oriented talents.

Key words:international talents; intercultural communication; cultivating model

Sample 3: 提要:思辨能力培养是高等教育的根本任务,也是大学学习不可或缺的部分。为了实现完整的外语教育、适应日益复杂的国际交流环境变革以及重塑其与通识教育的关系,我国的大学英语必须以思辨能力培养为中心进行改革。大学英语课堂中的思辨能力培养具有双重目标,即促进学生语言技能的发展以及大学英语三大主要内容的有机结合,这两大目标的实现都要通过鼓励学生对语言形式-观点的智识性探究才能真正实现。


Abstract:Critical thinking is fundamental to higher education and is presented to students as an integral part of their learning at university. In order to realize the wholistic foreign language education, adjust itself to the increasingly complex international communication environment and rebuild its relationship with liberal education,College English should keep students’ critical thinking development as the focus of its present reform. Critical thinking development in College English classes include two goals,e. g. to promote the development of students’ language skills and the integration of the three main content areas of College English, whose full realization is to be guaranteed by encouraging students to probe into the relationship between linguistic forms and perspectives intellectually.

Key words:College English; critical thinking development; higher education

nullskymc commented 9 months ago


milegeshen commented 9 months ago
