numToStr / FTerm.nvim

:fire: No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim :fire:
MIT License
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how to use fterm #57

Closed SongTianxian9 closed 2 years ago

SongTianxian9 commented 2 years ago

I want known how can i get something done like :FloatermNew --autoclose=0 gcc % -o %< && ./%:h, i know there's require("FTerm").run but i don't know , how can i get current buffer name , current buffer name without extension , current line number or something else . anyone knows if there a help manual?

numToStr commented 2 years ago

Have a look at the lua API :h api

SongTianxian9 commented 2 years ago

看看 lua API:h api

thank you for your reply and your work, i have not find much more useful information for there(just you can use nvim_buf_get_name() to get current buffer name), now i use vim.fn.expand("%:p:r") and similar things. thanks again!!

numToStr commented 2 years ago

I am glad that it worked out for you. Nothing is better than reading vim help :)