numToStr / Navigator.nvim

:sparkles: Smoothly navigate between neovim and terminal multiplexer(s) :sparkles:
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Slight delay in switching to wezterm pane #34

Open chuan2984 opened 6 months ago

chuan2984 commented 6 months ago

Thanks very much for making this plugin. I am experiencing a problem that also exhibited in(smart-split.nvim), which is a slight delay(~500ms?) when switching to a Wezterm pane from nvim. I have tested a few scenarios

  1. if nvim is not open, theres no delay.
  2. when switching from a pane that contains nvim to any other pane, there would be a slight delay
  3. I followed the setup in the wiki for wezterm, I also tried both approached, and there is no difference. I initially thought the explict shell comand would take longer.

I dont know how easy or if even is possible to fix, but just wanted to see if im not the only one and bring it to your attention. Thank you