numaproj / helm-charts

Helm charts for the Numaproj ecosystem projects.
Apache License 2.0
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Add helm chart to install numaflow in k8s cluster #1

Closed chandankumar4 closed 10 months ago

chandankumar4 commented 10 months ago

Added helm chart for installing numaflow

Installing via helm

$ helm install numaflow . --namespace=numaflow-system --create-namespace
NAME: numaflow
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Dec 18 21:16:44 2023
NAMESPACE: numaflow-system
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
  export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace numaflow-system -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
  export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace numaflow-system $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
  kubectl --namespace numaflow-system port-forward $POD_NAME $CONTAINER_PORT
  echo "Visit$CONTAINER_PORT to use your application"
$ helm ls
NAME        NAMESPACE       REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART           APP VERSION
numaflow    numaflow-system 1           2023-12-18 21:16:44.125202 +0530 IST    deployed    numaflow-0.0.1
$ kubectl get po                                                                             macos-P9DJ3XY0QL: Mon Dec 18 21:18:10 2023

NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
numaflow-controller-6f57c7c7cd-hzvtj   1/1     Running   0          87s
numaflow-dex-server-c785467c7-hn6jl    1/1     Running   0          87s
numaflow-server-7f69c78d48-pjsmr       1/1     Running   0          87s

Note for reviewer:

whynowy commented 10 months ago

Validating webhook should also be able to installed.