numaproj / numaplane

Control Plane for Numaproj
Apache License 2.0
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Added namespace Filtering to GetManagedLiveObjs #28

Closed shubhamdixit863 closed 3 weeks ago

shubhamdixit863 commented 3 weeks ago



Modified GetManagedLiveObjs method for LiveStateCache cluster caching to filter out object based on name and namespace both.


Tested in local cluster, by applying file numaplane_controller_rollout.yaml, it does the proper logging mentioned in the code

juliev0 commented 3 weeks ago

looks good but can you test it by using this sample NumaflowControllerRollout? (Maybe add a temporary log line to confirm the code is being executed)

shubhamdixit863 commented 3 weeks ago

looks good but can you test it by using this sample NumaflowControllerRollout? (Maybe add a temporary log line to confirm the code is being executed)

Yeah i tested it ,works fine