numaproj / numaplane

Control Plane for Numaproj
Apache License 2.0
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e2e test framework #3

Open juliev0 opened 2 weeks ago

juliev0 commented 2 weeks ago

To start with functionality test mentioned here

juliev0 commented 2 weeks ago

Here's how I would go about this:

  1. Understand the concept of Kubernetes really well, including the idea of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
  2. Understand the functionality of Numaplane well through manual testing
  3. Understand how the e2e test that Dillen wrote for the original Numaplane works. Some of this can probably be reused. His test verifies that end to end works from git all the way to resources being applied. Your test will need to verify that resources get applied, but through the creation of Rollout CRs.
  4. Understand the stretchr/testify suite framework
  5. Come up with and document a high level design for your test framework before coding