numaproj / numaplane

Control Plane for Numaproj
Apache License 2.0
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Generate a PDB for each ISBServiceRollout #54

Closed whynowy closed 12 minutes ago

whynowy commented 2 weeks ago


For each InterStepBufferService generated by ISBServiceRollout, we need a PDB. A sample PDB looks like below:

apiVersion: policy/v1
kind: PodDisruptionBudget
  name: isbsvc-default-pdb
  maxUnavailable: 1
    matchLabels: isbsvc my-isbsvc

Message from the maintainers:

If you wish to see this enhancement implemented please add a 👍 reaction to this issue! We often sort issues this way to know what to prioritize.

vigith commented 2 weeks ago

should we do this at the traspiler phase? If it is at transpiler, we can even enforce anti-affinity for multi-az deployments. This could make the scope of Numarollouts lean.

whynowy commented 1 week ago

should we do this at the traspiler phase? If it is at transpiler, we can even enforce anti-affinity for multi-az deployments. This could make the scope of Numarollouts lean.

Makes sense. Closing this for now, we can reopen it if we want to re-visit it.

whynowy commented 1 week ago

Reopen it based on feedback.