numaru / vscode-ceedling-test-adapter

Ceedling Test Adapter for the VS Code Test Explorer
MIT License
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ShellPath issue: please help me figure it out #72

Closed embcla closed 3 years ago

embcla commented 3 years ago


First of all thank you for making this extension, I was just trying to make a build configuration and was going crazy. Happy to see someone made a complete extension!!! 👏

My environment is the following: Operating System: Win10 toolchain: C:\Qt\Qt5.12.10\5.12.10\mingw73_32\bin shell: git-bash ceedling: via rake binaries in path

    Ceedling:: 0.30.0
       CMock:: 2.5.2
       Unity:: 2.5.1
  CException:: 1.3.2

so when I'm in my gitbash I can just do the ceeling test:mytest VSCode is loaded with the same global environment

I saw another issue and created a call-ceedling.bat with this content call C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe /c %2

and put this into my vs "ceedlingExplorer.shellPath": "C:/Program Files/Git/call-ceedling.bat" Also tried with git bash straight "ceedlingExplorer.shellPath": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe"

And yet it says Ceedling failed to run in the configured shell. Please check the ceedlingExplorer.shellPath option.

What am I missing here?

numaru commented 3 years ago

Hello, I see you are using the git-bash with ceedling but I don't get how you installed ruby in it. There is no package manager in my git-bash. I bet you installed somewhere else but I cannot reproduce a similar environment to investigate the issue.

Anyway, I think the issue come from the missing quotes around the path containing space in the .bat file.


You should use instead:

call "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" /c %2
numaru commented 3 years ago

But I think that using the bash.exe path directly in the ceedlingExplorer.shellPath should work.


It is not working on my machine because ceedling is not installed in my git-bash but the command is launched.

embcla commented 3 years ago

Thanks for looking into this. I did put the path to git bash directly ins VSCode but it still fails. I put the double quotes in the .bat file, but it still fails (actually VSCode crashed here).

When I try the .bat manually, this is what happens

C:\ "c:\Program Files\Git\call-ceedling.bat"  "C:\Firmware\testrepo"
/c: /c: Is a directory

I tried playing with the bat file without success. Honestly I'm not even sure what should happen here as this is to be called by VSCode, not by me. Should it call ceedling test:all /path/to/folder ?

The way I have ceedling running in git is via env vars.

  1. Install Ruby for windows (mine is at C:\Ruby27-x64\bin\ruby.exe, use
  2. Add Ruby bin folder to path
  3. Install Ceedling (gem install ceedling)

Now you should have ceedling available in git bash

numaru commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I added ruby to the path and I have now access to it in the git-bash.

In the .bat, the bash.exe option to execute a command is -c instead of /c.

C:\Users\kin\Documents\Laboratory\github\wsl\temp_sensor>fake-shell.bat "ceedling test"

C:\Users\kin\Documents\Laboratory\github\wsl\temp_sensor>call "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe" -c "ceedling test"
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:gcov_compiler][:executable]['gcc'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:gcov_linker][:executable]['gcc'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:gcov_report][:executable]['gcov'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:test_compiler][:executable]['gcc.exe'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:test_file_preprocessor][:executable]['gcc.exe'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:test_includes_preprocessor][:executable]['gcc.exe'] does not exist in system search paths.
ERROR: Config filepath [:tools][:test_linker][:executable]['gcc.exe'] does not exist in system search paths.
C:/Users/kin/Documents/Laboratory/github/wsl/temp_sensor/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/configurator.rb:290:in `validate': unhandled exception
        from C:/Users/kin/Documents/Laboratory/github/wsl/temp_sensor/vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling/setupinator.rb:32:in `do_setup'
        from vendor/ceedling/lib/../lib/ceedling/rakefile.rb:48:in `<top (required)>'
        from vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling.rb:66:in `load'
        from vendor/ceedling/lib/ceedling.rb:66:in `load_project'
        from C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/ceedling-0.29.1/bin/ceedling:318:in `<top (required)>'
        from C:/Ruby24-x64/bin/ceedling:23:in `load'
        from C:/Ruby24-x64/bin/ceedling:23:in `<main>'

I have the same error in vscode with both the fake-shell and the raw git-bash. It is still not working well on my machine but ceedling is found. Can you please, share a screenshot of your OUTPUT panel in vscode.

I put my fake-shell.bat next to the project.yml file.

embcla commented 3 years ago



Here you go

Oh BTW, I'm setting the path in the root of settings.json, is that right?

numaru commented 3 years ago

I think you're putting your config in the right place.

It seems like there is an issue with a path containing space in the ceedlingExplorer.shellPath if bat file is used.

wrong: image

right: image

You still got no message under the first line of the OUTPUT if you put the .bat somewhere else?

embcla commented 3 years ago

I have to change the bat script to %1, otherwise it expects ceedling to be the 2nd command rather than the 1st, if I do that then I can manually call it


but regardless of this, the extension doesn't load


embcla commented 3 years ago

Ok I finally managed! I was setting my projectPath wrong: didn't read the docs well enough, and was putting ${workspaceRoot} in there, but it's already relative.

Don't know why it was giving me the message about the shellPath though, but happy that I'm running now!!!

embcla commented 3 years ago

Is it normal behaviour that when I click on a unit test top element, it closes the entire terminal/output/overall/console tab? when I click on one of the included tests, it reopens it and shows the output of the entire unit

numaru commented 3 years ago

Nice !

Something is wrong with the error message. It is printed when ceedling cannot be executed but it should not lead us to the wrong place 😏

I think the click behaviour is normal. It's handled by a lower layer, the extension.

embcla commented 3 years ago

Hi, I tried moving the batch file to the project folder, so I can make it part of the repo, but I'm back to the same issue.


Along the same lines, I have a question: can you distinguish if you're running the extension in Windows or Linux? I don't know about your audience, but my repo can work in both, so I was thinking that it would make a lot of sense (for me of course) to use different paths/links in case VS is running in Linux or Windows.

numaru commented 3 years ago

The ${workdspaceForlder} is not expanded by the extension. Just use "ceedlingExplorer.shellPath": "call-ceedling.bat", I think the path is relative to the workspace directory. But since the issue was in the ceedlingExplorer.projectPath, I'm pretty sure you could get rid of the call-ceedling.bat file now and use directly "ceedlingExplorer.shellPath": "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash.exe".

The extension does not depends on the OS directly. It is abstracted by vscode/node api. Why would you need to do something different based on the OS?

embcla commented 3 years ago

Well if I open the project in Windows then my shellPath would be a windows EXE with a windows path. On the other hand, opening the same project in Linux, the shell would be a /bin/bash-zsh-sh etc

Somehow the path issue is already fixed, thank you! 🥇

numaru commented 3 years ago

There nothing in the extension to handle this use case. There is a pretty old issue (2016) in vscode which is still open. microsoft/vscode#5595. To address, this use case, I would not put any setting which is linked to the developer machine in the git repository and let him configure the extension. I would describe how to do it in a doc. (the for example).