numba / numba

NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Faster Mersenne Twister implementation? #3102

Open seibert opened 6 years ago

seibert commented 6 years ago

Given the popularity of Numba for Monte Carlo, we might want to consider using a faster MT implementation than NumPy, since we have to put an implementation into Numba anyway.

Julia uses this:

Which seems to give much improved performance over NumPy:

There is also this project:

seibert commented 6 years ago

One problem, of course, is that this would likely break the exact match of RNG output between Numba and NumPy, which was recently achieved by #3038.

synapticarbors commented 6 years ago

Would it be feasible to default to the numpy version of the prng, but package a faster version within numba that could be called as something like nb.random.<func>? That way there could be the consistency with numpy if needed, but a user could make a conscience decision to select a faster implementation with the knowledge that they could no longer exactly match up with an implementation that used numpy.

seibert commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure what the status or roadmap for randomgen is, but if it had a C API, we could make it easy to use from Numba.

dhirschfeld commented 6 years ago

I believe the eventual goal is for randomgen to be incorporated into numpy itself as a new RandomGenerator class.

IIUC the existing RansomState api will remain around indefinitely, mostly for legacy unit-testing purposes though users will be encouraged to use the new api.