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NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
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@vectorize-decorated functions are not found by sphinx #5755

Open HPLegion opened 4 years ago

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

I use sphinx with the apidoc extension to have a reference documentation generated automatically. For functions decorated with njit this works without any complications, for vectorize however, the function disappears from the docs, indicating that apidoc either cannot find it or decides not to include it. (Sorry for the lack of better info).

Since this is sphinx related I am not sure how to include a minimal example, but if it would help and I find some time I can try to set up a mini-repository.

esc commented 4 years ago

@HPLegion thanks for submitting this. I'm afraid, w/o a reproducer this will be difficult to triage. Perhaps you could make a patch against the Numba source tree (which also uses sphinx for documentation) to expose the issue? Or if you have this in an open-source project, perhaps link to it? Perhaps you could try messing with different versions of sphinx/apidoc and see if the issue vanishes? Sorry I don't have any better ideas here.

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

I have gotten around to construct a small example #5765. In that process I also realised that the problem does not lie with sphinx apidoc (which just creates the skeleton) but with autodoc, which generates the actual reference documentation.

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Okay, after stepping through sphinx I think I narrowed it down to the following: njit functions have the __wrapped__ attribute which I suppose contains the original python function. Sphinx can resolve this. This field does not exist for vectorize, hence autodoc thinks that it cannot document the function and skips it (it is not rejected based on any filters as far as I can tell, autodoc just gives up)

EDIT This is where the dispatcher updates the wrapper information A similar step seems to happen for cfuncs But not for DUFuncs

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Some more digging has revealed that njit functions get documented by autodoc because

For njit all these fields are set through the call to functools.update_wrapper, and the __get__ but not __set__ methods are implemented which qualifies them as methoddescriptors.

>>> from numba import njit
>>> import inspect
>>> @njit
... def f(x):
...     return x
>>> f(1)
>>> inspect.isfunction(f)
>>> inspect.ismethoddescriptor(f)
>>> inspect.isroutine(f)
>>> hasattr(f, "__wrapped__")
>>> f.__module__
>>> f.__qualname__
>>> f.__wrapped__
<function f at 0x7f0b87558830>
>>> from numba import vectorize
>>> import inspect
>>> @vectorize
... def g(x):
...     return x
>>> g(1)
>>> inspect.isfunction(g)
>>> inspect.ismethoddescriptor(g)
>>> inspect.isroutine(g)
>>> hasattr(g, "__wrapped__")
>>> g.__module__
>>> g.__qualname__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'DUFunc' object has no attribute '__qualname__'
>>> g.__wrapped__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'DUFunc' object has no attribute '__wrapped__'
esc commented 4 years ago

@HPLegion good to see you are getting somewhere investigating this. Do you think there might be a way to adapt this technique for @vectorize too?

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Yes, I think so.

TL;DR: I tried and numba hasn't exploded

A few thoughts


Yesterday I set up a small branch where I simply called update_wrapper(self, py_func) in the DUFunc constructor and copied the __get__ implementation from the jit Dispatcher. As far as I can tell that resulted in sphinx succesfully documenting vectorize-decorated functions, but I did not stress test it. There seems to be a plethora of Dispatchers for different targets and different ways to construct them so I am sure that this simple tweak did not fix all of them. However the good news is that it does not seem like I broke much in the process; all tests in tests/npyufunc passed (I hope that was the right test set to focus on :stuck_out_tongue: )


lru_cache calling update_wrapper


HPLegion commented 4 years ago

I had some time yesterday and found myself thinking that bending the inner workings of numba for the sake of sphinx may not be the way to go (even though there may or may not be other advantages to this). So I had a bit of a look for ways to fixing my problem and got inspired by celery - they are offering a small sphinx extension as part of their package to allow auto-documentation of Celery (decorated) tasks.

The advantage to such an approach could be that it actually offers the possibility to customise the documentation behaviour. I hacked together a proof of concept, and it is not too terrifying, luckily Sphinx has a fairly comfortable extension API (but debugging event-driven programs turns out to be a nightmare :fearful:).

Here is a plaintext example of what could be done in principle. The documenter (see below) adds a prefix (@numba.vectorize) to the signature and injects information about the precompiled signature into the docstring.

@numba.vectorize ebisim.plasma.clog_ei(Ni, Ne, kbTi, kbTe, Ai, qi)

      *Precompiled signatures:[‘dddddl->d’]*

   The coulomb logarithm for ion electron collisions.

      * **Ni** (*float** or **numpy.ndarray*) – <1/m^3> Ion density.

      * **Ne** (*float** or **numpy.ndarray*) – <1/m^3> Electron

      * **kbTi** (*float** or **numpy.ndarray*) – <eV> Ion

      * **kbTe** (*float** or **numpy.ndarray*) – <eV> Electron

      * **Ai** (*float** or **numpy.ndarray*) – Ion mass number.

      * **qi** (*int** or **numpy.ndarray*) – Ion charge state.

      Ion electron coulomb logarithm.

   Return type:
      float or numpy.ndarray

Is an extension like this something that could be interesting to feature in numba, or is it just too likely to become a maintenance liability? :stuck_out_tongue: (The code as it is right now would likely need some bulletproofing.)

From my side this issue can be closed, since I found a solution that is working for me but if you want to keep this open to track the feature request, that's fine.

Extension code

This sphinx extension aims to improve the documentation of numba-decorated
functions. It it inspired by the design of Celery's sphinx extension


Add the extension to your :file:`` configuration module:

.. code-block:: python

    extensions = (...,

This extension adds two configuration fields, which determine the prefix
printed before jitted functions in the reference documentation.
Overwrite these values in your :file:`` to change this behaviour

.. code-block:: python

    numba_jit_prefix = '@numba.jit'
    numba_vectorize_prefix = '@numba.vectorize'

With the extension installed `autodoc` will automatically find
numba decorated objects and generate the correct docs.

If a vecotrized function with fixed signatures is found, these are injected
into the docstring.
from typing import List, Iterator
from import PyFunction
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import FunctionDocumenter

from numba.core.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from import DUFunc

class NumbaFunctionDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
    """Document numba decorated functions."""

    def import_object(self) -> bool:
        """Import the object given by *self.modname* and *self.objpath* and set
        it as *self.object*.

        Returns True if successful, False if an error occurred.
        success = super().import_object()
        if success:
            # Store away numba wrapper
            self.jitobj = self.object
            # And bend references to underlying python function
            if hasattr(self.object, "py_func"):
                self.object = self.object.py_func
            elif hasattr(self.object, "_dispatcher") and \
                 hasattr(self.object._dispatcher, "py_func"):
                self.object = self.object._dispatcher.py_func
                success = False
        return success

    def process_doc(self, docstrings: List[List[str]]) -> Iterator[str]:
        """Let the user process the docstrings before adding them."""
        # Essentially copied from FunctionDocumenter
        for docstringlines in docstrings:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                # need to manually set 'what' to FunctionDocumenter.objtype
                # to not confuse preprocessors like napoleon with an objtype
                # that they don't know
                                  self.fullname, self.object,
                                  self.options, docstringlines)
            # This block inserts information about precompiled signatures
            # if this is a precompiled vectorized function
            if getattr(self.jitobj, "types", []) and \
               getattr(self.jitobj, "_frozen", False):
                s = "| *Precompiled signatures:" + str(self.jitobj.types) + "*"
                docstringlines.insert(0, s)
            yield from docstringlines

class JitDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document jit/njit decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'jitfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, Dispatcher) and hasattr(member, 'py_func')

class VectorizeDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document vectorize decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'vecfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, DUFunc) and \
               hasattr(member, '_dispatcher') and \
               hasattr(member._dispatcher, 'py_func')

class JitDirective(PyFunction):
    """Sphinx jitfun directive."""

    def get_signature_prefix(self, sig):
        return self.env.config.numba_jit_prefix

class VectorizeDirective(PyFunction):
    """Sphinx vecfun directive."""

    def get_signature_prefix(self, sig):
        return self.env.config.numba_vectorize_prefix

def setup(app):
    """Setup Sphinx extension."""
    # Register the new documenters and directives (autojitfun, autovecfun)
    # Set the default prefix which is printed in front of the function signature
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'jitfun', JitDirective)
    app.add_config_value('numba_jit_prefix', '@numba.jit', True)
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'vecfun', VectorizeDirective)
    app.add_config_value('numba_vectorize_prefix', '@numba.vectorize', True)

    return {
        'parallel_read_safe': True

(ping @esc )

soleti commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for this extension, but my decorated functions still don't appear in the docs. The only change I made is using @cuda.jit instead of @numba.jit with this line in

numba_jit_prefix = '@cuda.jit'

Do you have any idea why it doesn't work in this case?

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Hej @soleti,

it's been a few days since I bashed this together, but my best guess at the moment is the following:

The Documenter classes have a method can_document_member which sphinx uses to determine the extensions ability to deal with certain objects. As they are written now, they probably simply return False for CUDA jit functions.

I see two possiblefixes here:

Let me know if that helps, and if yes, feel free to share your results here for future reference (if I have time one day, I may turn this into a tiny package, but more likely I will just document it in a better place (i.e. Luk's How-to-numba-repo))

soleti commented 4 years ago

I tried adapting the jit-documenter stuff but I couldn't get it to work. I adopted a solution that I am ashamed of but that works: running this before sphinx :)

find mypackage/ -name '*.py' -exec sed -i -e 's/@cuda/#@cuda/g' {} \;
HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Hi @soleti,

For me the following seems to work, feel welcome to give it a test spin and if yes expand on it.

(full disclaimer: I don't really know numba.cuda at all, so I am not aware if my check for CUDA funcs is even remotely sufficient or what nice gimmicks would be for documenting CUDA functions, also my Laptop has no GPU, so I only checked this without ever actually triggering the compilation of the CUDA decorated function)

Same sphinx extension as before with added cuda features: (You need to make sure that Sphinx loads this, by both adding it to the and making sure that it is actually on the current path for sphinx to find the module and import it, I called the file (hence the suggested extension name in the docstring)

This sphinx extension aims to improve the documentation of numba-decorated
functions. It it inspired by the design of Celery's sphinx extension


Add the extension to your :file:`` configuration module:

.. code-block:: python

    extensions = (...,

This extension adds two configuration fields, which determine the prefix
printed before jitted functions in the reference documentation.
Overwrite these values in your :file:`` to change this behaviour

.. code-block:: python

    numba_jit_prefix = '@numba.jit'
    numba_vectorize_prefix = '@numba.vectorize'
    numba_cuda_jit_prefix = '@numba.cuda.jit'

With the extension installed `autodoc` will automatically find
numba decorated objects and generate the correct docs.

If a vecotrized function with fixed signatures is found, these are injected
into the docstring.
from typing import List, Iterator
from import PyFunction
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import FunctionDocumenter

from numba.core.dispatcher import Dispatcher
from import DUFunc
from numba.cuda.compiler import AutoJitCUDAKernel

class NumbaFunctionDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
    """Document numba decorated functions."""

    def import_object(self) -> bool:
        """Import the object given by *self.modname* and *self.objpath* and set
        it as *self.object*.

        Returns True if successful, False if an error occurred.
        success = super().import_object()
        if success:
            # Store away numba wrapper
            self.jitobj = self.object
            # And bend references to underlying python function
            if hasattr(self.object, "py_func"):
                self.object = self.object.py_func
            elif hasattr(self.object, "_dispatcher") and \
                 hasattr(self.object._dispatcher, "py_func"):
                self.object = self.object._dispatcher.py_func
                success = False
        return success

    def process_doc(self, docstrings: List[List[str]]) -> Iterator[str]:
        """Let the user process the docstrings before adding them."""
        # Essentially copied from FunctionDocumenter
        for docstringlines in docstrings:
                # let extensions preprocess docstrings
                # need to manually set 'what' to FunctionDocumenter.objtype
                # to not confuse preprocessors like napoleon with an objtype
                # that they don't know
                                  self.fullname, self.object,
                                  self.options, docstringlines)
            # This block inserts information about precompiled signatures
            # if this is a precompiled vectorized function
            if getattr(self.jitobj, "types", []) and \
               getattr(self.jitobj, "_frozen", False):
                s = "| *Precompiled signatures:" + str(self.jitobj.types) + "*"
                docstringlines.insert(0, s)
            yield from docstringlines

class JitDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document jit/njit decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'jitfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, Dispatcher) and hasattr(member, 'py_func')

class VectorizeDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document vectorize decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'vecfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, DUFunc) and \
               hasattr(member, '_dispatcher') and \
               hasattr(member._dispatcher, 'py_func')

class CUDAJitDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document jit/njit decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'cudajitfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, AutoJitCUDAKernel)\
               and hasattr(member, 'py_func')

class JitDirective(PyFunction):
    """Sphinx jitfun directive."""

    def get_signature_prefix(self, sig):
        return self.env.config.numba_jit_prefix

class VectorizeDirective(PyFunction):
    """Sphinx vecfun directive."""

    def get_signature_prefix(self, sig):
        return self.env.config.numba_vectorize_prefix

class CUDAJitDirective(PyFunction):
    """Sphinx jitfun directive."""

    def get_signature_prefix(self, sig):
        return self.env.config.numba_cuda_jit_prefix

def setup(app):
    """Setup Sphinx extension."""
    # Register the new documenters and directives (autojitfun, autovecfun)
    # Set the default prefix which is printed in front of the function signature
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'jitfun', JitDirective)
    app.add_config_value('numba_jit_prefix', '@numba.jit', True)
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'vecfun', VectorizeDirective)
    app.add_config_value('numba_vectorize_prefix', '@numba.vectorize', True)
    app.add_directive_to_domain('py', 'cudajitfun', CUDAJitDirective)
    app.add_config_value('numba_cuda_jit_prefix', '@numba.cuda.jit', True)

    return {
        'parallel_read_safe': True
soleti commented 4 years ago

Hey @HPLegion thank you very much for this. However, I get this error message

Could not import extension numbadoc (exception: cannot import name 'AutoJitCUDAKernel' from 'numba.cuda.simulator.compiler' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numba/cuda/simulator/

which I think it's because I am running it on a machine without a GPU. Replacing it with FakeCUDAKernel fixes the error, but the functions still don't appear in the docs.

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

that's a curious one, cause my laptop does not have a GPU (and that is where I tested). Which version of numba are you running?

Does this work for you (or does it show a different type)?

In [1]: from numba.cuda import jit as cjit                                     

In [2]: @cjit 
   ...: def f(a, b): 
   ...:     return a+b 

In [3]: type(f)                                                                
Out[3]: numba.cuda.compiler.AutoJitCUDAKernel
gmarkall commented 4 years ago

AutoJitCUDAKernel was removed in 0.51 - it is now cuda.compiler.Dispatcher: - this is part of bringing the CUDA target into line with the CPU target.

HPLegion commented 4 years ago

Sweet, that will likely be the reason (I am still running 0.50.0 locally) @soleti if you are running 0.51+ just exchange the AutoJitCUDAKernel to the cuda Dispatcher (both import and in CUDAJitDocumenter.can_document_member)

soleti commented 4 years ago

Uhm it still doesn't work. I am doing

from numba.cuda.compiler import Dispatcher as CUDADispatcher

which gives me

Extension error:
Could not import extension numbadoc (exception: cannot import name 'Dispatcher' from 'numba.cuda.simulator.compiler' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numba/cuda/simulator/
alexander-tritt-monash commented 3 years ago

Hey! Thank you for the extension for autodoc. I wanted to add, for future people searching this, that this doesn't work with numba cuda device functions specifically, only kernels. To fix this, add this

from numba.cuda.compiler import DeviceFunctionTemplate

and change this

class CUDAJitDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document jit/njit decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'cudajitfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return isinstance(member, AutoJitCUDAKernel)\
               and hasattr(member, 'py_func')


class CUDAJitDocumenter(NumbaFunctionDocumenter):
    """Document jit/njit decorated functions."""

    objtype = 'cudajitfun'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        return (isinstance(member, AutoJitCUDAKernel) and hasattr(member, 'py_func')) or isinstance(member, DeviceFunctionTemplate)

Hope this helps someone, and thanks again!

guilhermeleobas commented 3 years ago

@HPLegion, thanks for the sphinx extension for autodoc. I tried to change it to work with autosummary + @intrinsic:

import numba
from typing import List, Optional
from sphinx.ext.autodoc import FunctionDocumenter

class NumbaDocumenter(FunctionDocumenter):
    """Sphinx directive that also understands numba decorators"""

    objtype = 'function'  # This must be assigned to 'function' to work!!
    directivetype = 'function'

    def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
        if isinstance(member, numba.core.extending._Intrinsic):
            return True
        return super(RBCDocumenter, cls).can_document_member(member, membername, isattr, parent)

def setup(app):
    """Setup Sphinx extension."""

    # Register the new documenters and directives (autojitfun, autovecfun)
    # Set the default prefix which is printed in front of the function signature

    return {
        'parallel_read_safe': True

Also, in order for this to work, one needs to update the intrinsic wrapper:

import functools
functools.update_wrapper(my_intrinsic, my_intrinsic._defn)  # _defn is the inner function
gipert commented 1 year ago

Hi @HPLegion, thanks for the extension! Any idea on how to extend it to support @guvectorize-decorated functions?

gipert commented 1 year ago

Hi @HPLegion, thanks for the extension! Any idea on how to extend it to support @guvectorize-decorated functions?

Here's my version of the extension that handles @guvectorized functions, if anyone's interested:

HPLegion commented 1 year ago

I am buried in other work at the moment, but with the collection as it is, this almost looks as if it might warrant releasing a micro-package that people can install or vendor directly into their codebase. If anyone feels the urge to create such a thing, I would certainly not hold a grudge :-P

Just had a brief look at the issue @gmarkall cross linked yesterday, seems like there are still issues linked to the missing magic wrapper information. Is there a dedicated issue for that?

milannnnn commented 1 year ago

Hi all. Found a simple way to document the Numba classes and methods in my code. Basically, I just added the following line to the Sphinx (effectively disabling the JIT compilation, and allowing Sphinx autodoc to properly parse all functions and classes):

os.environ["NUMBA_DISABLE_JIT"] = '1'
SilvestriStefano commented 10 months ago

Hello all, I am adjusting/improving/cleaning up the documentation (pr#160) for a python package. However, I have been struggling with documenting jit-decorated functions. I am using autosummary extension to generate recursively a page for every module/class/function (see SO#2701998 )

I have tried all the solutions mentioned here:

I am using Sphinx v4.5.0, but I have also tried Sphinx v6.2.1 and v7.2.6 with the same results.

I don't really understand what I am doing wrong any help is highly appreciated.

HPLegion commented 10 months ago



unfortunately, it has been a while since I have thought about this, so it is a bit tricky to give good advice. However: Those errors do not look like sphinx problems. It looks like there is actually a problem with the package you are documenting. If you run a pure Python shell in the environment that you build the documentation with, can you actually import that package as expected or do you get a similar error?


SilvestriStefano commented 10 months ago

Hello @HPLegion , thanks for responding. The issue only arises whenever I add the extra extension in the Otherwise the documentation builds fine without warnings, except that the module functions are not present (see below)



The with the extension looks like :

import os
import sys

import sarkas

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../sarkas"))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../sarkas/time_evolution"))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../sarkas/utilities"))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../sarkas/potentials"))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../sarkas/tools"))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("./_ext"))        # <-------- this is where the extension file is located

extensions = [
    "numbadecoratordoc"                  # <-------- how i called the file

# ... more stuff ...

autodoc_mock_imports = ["yaml", "numba", "scipy", "optparse", "time", "pyfftw", "pyfiglet", "tqdm", "fmm3dpy"]

# Generate the API documentation when building
autosummary_generate = True
autosummary_generate_overwrite = True
# # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
modindex_common_prefix = ["sarkas."]

# Make sure the target is unique
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True

# Napoleon settings
napoleon_google_docstring = False
napoleon_numpy_docstring = True
napoleon_include_init_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_private_with_doc = False
napoleon_include_special_with_doc = True
napoleon_use_admonition_for_examples = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_notes = False
napoleon_use_admonition_for_references = False
napoleon_use_ivar = True
napoleon_use_param = False
napoleon_use_rtype = False
SilvestriStefano commented 9 months ago

Hello again @HPLegion , I have done a little debugging and i found out a few things:

File "../sarkas/potentials/", line 538: def create_cells_array(box_lengths, cutoff):

cells_per_dim = zeros(3, dtype=int64)
 It is not a big problem (to us anyway) as apparently we can go without the signature specifications.
- if I only use the decorators `@jit(nopython=True)` or `@njit` I get no errors and no warnings, however the decorated functions are still not appearing in the doc.
- If I modify the `JitDocumenter` class method `can_document_member` as follows 
def can_document_member(cls, member, membername, isattr, parent):
    return isinstance(member, Dispatcher) and hasattr(member, 'py_func') and member.__doc__ is None

the decorated functions (they should not have any signature specification) whose docstring is not empty do appear in the docs but without the prefix. I am confused as why this works though.

HPLegion commented 9 months ago

Hi Stefano (and others)

I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I won't be able to follow up on these issues myself for a while, unfortunately. I would like to offer more help, but time is limited at the moment.

I expect documentation to fail without the plugin (as you observed), since Sphinx gets confused by numba's decorators. I don't know why you see the flaky behviour in some cases though.

When I first looked into this, I really had to debug the Sphinx autodoc run to see why the documenters did not pick up on the decorated functions, and then I tried to come up with something that would be able to identify the decorated functions as more or less normally documentable objects. Then I used the chance to sprinkle in a few extras, maybe some of that broke over the last years. It is not particularly fun, but maybe a way for follow up investigations.

In the meantime I would encourage you to write on - there is a chance you will be able to get in touch with some knowledgable people who are not aware of this issue / disucussion. Judging by how lively this thread still is, this seems to affect a number of users. Maybe someone has the time and energy to really dive into this and come up with a good and maintainable lonterm solution :-)

Best of luck!

SilvestriStefano commented 9 months ago

At the moment we are satisfied with how it works. However, I would prefer to understand the flaky behavior, so I will probably bug the people on discourse :P

Thank you for all your help :)