numbas / Numbas

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Order of terms in polynomials #65

Closed BillFoster closed 5 years ago

BillFoster commented 12 years ago

There is a problem in using jme code for displaying polynomials. In many cases a poly should be displayed in some order e.g. ascending order -.see questions such as testing\1041cba2_4.exam. There is at present no control using jme and forcing the order using latex can be messy.

BillFoster commented 12 years ago

Solved by using !collectNumbers in the rule set. This is how is it is done in i-assess on looking at the original questions. So for displaying polynomials in the order as input (with in this case rational coefficients) use the ruleset [all,fractionNumbers,!collectNumbers]

christianp commented 12 years ago

OK, setting !collectNumbers will preserve the original order. It would still be nice to be able to reorder a general polynomial, so I'm reopening this as a "needs thinking about" issue.

christianp commented 6 years ago

Removing the "custom marking algorithms" milestone because this is really about a simplification rule.

christianp commented 5 years ago

Fixed in numbas v4.0 with the canonicalOrder rule.