numbas / Numbas

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Gap Fills Not Being Added or Displayed Correctly #813

Closed RocketingRacer closed 3 years ago

RocketingRacer commented 3 years ago

When attempting to add a gap to a gap fill question the button is unresponsive. Using direct source code does not show in the test run of the problem.

Even with gaps added to the part it is impossible to add the gap to the prompt for the student to enter a response. The gap seems to be working as intended and it is simply a bug with the prompt.

christianp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this, and sorry I let this slip in: I updated the TinyMCE editor, but forgot to check the various bits I'd customised still worked. It should be working now.

RocketingRacer commented 3 years ago

Gap fills still have bugs, but only in the editor interface and using source code allows them to be used with full functionality. Not a huge issue but it should be known.

Specifics: Clicking gap fill button useless. Clicking it does nothing. Gap fills "sometimes" preview but other times just show as [[index]]. IE: "[[1]]"

christianp commented 3 years ago

Have you tried clearing your browser's cache?

RocketingRacer commented 3 years ago

Im so sorry for bothering you, that was it. Thanks for the help.